Jacky And Daisy


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Mar 1, 2023
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Dear George,

We hope you feel better soon do you have to gargle with salt water like Natrah did? Dilly and Razberri have been given something to chew on to help their teeth? We don't have teeth but Natrah we have strong jaws. Dickie, Zola, Sapphire, Sherman and I need strong for our vegetables we need to keep munching to build up strength for playtime and hibernation. I am not going to listen to people telling me not to eat too many dandelions and no strawberries. I am 88 and I need respect. I also don't know why I need to be drowned every few days! Anyway today's drowning session lasted quite a while and I was very tired. However I was pleased to have a go on the bathroom scales and Natrah was pleased with my weight.

Dickie you need to eat a lot more and you should try Romaine Lettuce and spring greens (another of my favourites which Natrah was told to moderate but is going to ignore). I have a well-balanced diet and I do eat other things. Zola will also advise you to eat although he is busy looking after his dear mum who we hope feels.

Goodnight everyone

Jacky, Angel Daisy and Natrah
George is doing well eating as normal except for his biscuits as he can’t have them until his gums have healed. He is trying hard to reach the area where the cyst was removed & with a lot of effort can only just reach the end part of the incision so I’m keeping an eye on that. The vets don’t want it covering up.
Dickie saw the vet today. We have registered her with a vet who I used to see when I had rabbits. She sees all the exotic pets too. She has a good knowledge but if necessary can refer to an exotic expert at a vet in Leicester.
The vet checked her over, weighed her - she is a little under weight, took some blood to send off for analysis & concluded that she seems otherwise ok & thinks it’s the weather & change of location that is the problem (as we thought). We have to keep her hydrated with daily baths & hope she will respond to the warmer weather this weekend.
The vet said Dickie tried to bite her when she took the blood, it took 20 mins to do it so I’m not surprised! One snippet of info she told Pete was that tortoises drink from their bladder so not to be concerned if we don’t see her drinking ( never have) so long as she is hydrated by the baths.
Fingers crossed for better weather soon 🤞


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hi Angie, are those Violets . . that the "bunny" is in?
Yes, those are wild Devon violets -they are famous for their perfume - you can get bottles of Devon Violet scent, with a picture of a violet painted on the front in gift shops and tourist places. These particular violets were growing beside the path to Duckpool, a little cove which is up the coast a few miles from Zola's favourite walking spot in Bude. There were wild daffodils, too. I watched Zola to make sure he didn't eat anything !


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

Angie when my hay-fever wasn't so bad I used to love that perfume and I would buy some every time we went on holiday to Devon or Cornwall. It brings back many happy memories and you are so lucky to be living in such a beautiful part of the country. Sue I'm pleased Dickie and George are okay. Jacky needed a soak today after making a massive mess 💩🤣! This is what I came home to after spending the afternoon celebrating my friend's birthday!

Anyway I had a surprise yesterday evening because when I got off the bus after teaching in Rayleigh I was walking down the road back to the flat when I ran into my youngest brother and his partner. Now Sue is aware of the issues that I had with him and my other brother over dad's house which was my home for 38 years. To cut a long story short dad's estate needed to be distributed after he passed away but my brother's were keen on their inheritance one and a half weeks after dad's funeral and two weeks after his death but so keen on doing more of the caring.

Anyway we fell out over the inheritance but we seemed able to have a conversation in the street. Of course this was three years on from my moving out of the house so there was a bit of catching up. It was very tough time and there are difficult memories but it was good to be able to talk even if we can't talk about that awful time. It was lovely to get home to Jacky because she has seen me through everything and Daisy was doing the same and I know that she is still with me in spirit.

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy

PS: I hope you're all not affected by Storm Kathleen.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Natrah - Richard had problems,too, after his mother died, with his two brothers and one sister - it was very upsetting for him , but too long a story to tell - so I can understand you being upset. You and Jacky and Daisy are a group together, still, and always will be, in a way - like Richard and Zola and I are a group, whatever happens.
Still, it was good that you could bring yourself to speak to your brother.
It was extremely windy here all day, with quite a bit of rain at times too -I think Zola was expecting to go on his breakwater today, but it wouldn't have been safe - but,as you know, it can be difficult to explain things to a tortoise ! He was bashing around in his room, so I took him to sit by the fire, and we ended up having a long happy stroke - I was very pleased, as at first I really didn't think he would settle !
I hope you have a quiet night - it was a very loud one here last night, but perhaps it will be quieter tonight.
Love to you, Jacky, Angel Daisy ,and all our forum friends
from Angie xxxxx


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Natrah - we have had a very windy and rainy day again today, but I was very kind to my mum, and didn't bash my room about or attack her feet at all - I played with her trouser hem, and stroked her shoe for quite a long time.
Then we had a long stroke by the fire, and we both nearly went to sleep.
I hope you have had a good day - love to you, Jacky and Angel Daisy, and all our forum friends from Angie and Zola xxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

It's very sad what happens to family sometimes my grandmother on mum's side had issues with her sister-in-law when my great aunt had a stroke. Nana's brother and sister-in-law were literally helping themselves before she passed away. She was in hospital for eight years before she slipped away in her sleep and on dad's side of the family his nephew and nieces were very interested in uncle's land even before he had his stroke! I hope you're all okay Angie.

I'm glad to see you've been a good boy Zola it's been a nice day here but too windy for Jacky to go out. However she had a lovely soak and she has been enjoying lettuce, kale and dandelions. I have been eating well but I am watching my diet because I want to watch my weight. However did have some lunch at the Cliffs Pavilion where I took the photo below. The tide was up and the sea was choppy.

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy

PS: Look for the eclipse tomorrow IMG20240407143956.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

I'm writing on behalf of Jacky as well because she wanted me to tell you all that I had a coffee morning with two friends from orchestra and one of them, Jenny, was the lady that looked after Jacky and Daisy for a few weeks whilst I moved into the old flat. Jacky remembers how they quickly they settled in because Daisy led her to the vegetable patch🤣🤣🐢🐢! Heather, meanwhile, was amazed to see how big Jacky was because she had only seen her in photos. Jacky was quite happy to tuck into dandelions whilst we were tucking into biscuits and snacks.

Did you see the sea today Zola? I was hoping to get down to the seafront to see something of the eclipse but unfortunately it started raining. However I did think it got exceptionally dark as well. What did you think Angie and Sue? Sue if your reading this try scrolling back to what I wrote on Friday!

Goodnight everyone

Jacky, Angel Daisy and Natrah


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Natrah - the weather was very confused today, but it was sunny, though cold, in the afternoon, and my dad took me to the breakwater for a walk. I really enjoyed that, and I met some nice children. Their parents said to me "you've made their day" - that is something I often hear from people who have met me !
When I got home I sat by the fire for my stroke from my mum - I was quite tired !
Love to you, Jacky, Angel Daisy and all my forum friends from Zola (and Angie) xxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

As you can Jacky is enjoying strawberries but I will never stop thinking about Daisy eating strawberries and trying to get them from Jacky. I will start putting Jacky out for short periods soon because she is itching to go out but it has turned colder again today. I hope you're all okay.


Natrah and Jacky

PS: It is the Festival of Eid in Malaysia and I have had a lot greetings from friends and family out there.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Natrah - it has been very wet again today, and I didn't have a walk at all. However, I had a lovely stroke by the fire with my mum, for a long time. I don't think I have ever tasted strawberries, but when my mum and dad used to go ,years ago, to a farm that had pick your own strawberries, I would walk down between the rows of plants where they were, and had one or two bites out of the leaves !
Love to you, Jacky and Angel Daisy, and all my forum friends from Zola and Angie xxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Hello Natrah - it has been very wet again today, and I didn't have a walk at all. However, I had a lovely stroke by the fire with my mum, for a long time. I don't think I have ever tasted strawberries, but when my mum and dad used to go ,years ago, to a farm that had pick your own strawberries, I would walk down between the rows of plants where they were, and had one or two bites out of the leaves !
Love to you, Jacky and Angel Daisy, and all my forum friends from Zola and Angie xxxxxxx
Dear Zola,

We used to love picking strawberries and once mum tried to grow strawberries in the garden! Did you see the picture Jacky sent you all? Try scrolling back.




Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Jacky
My dad took me outside to fetch something from his garage, and one of our friendly robins appeared, so my dad held out some mealworms on his hand, and the robin flew to stand on it to get the worms. My dad said afterwards that he wondered how many times in the world a robin had ever stood on a person's hand while he was holding a tortoise in his other hand !
Love from Zola xxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

Zola I don't think there has been anyone else apart from your dad who has had a robin on his hand whilst holding a tortoise! We used to have friendly robins at our old house but no I have never had a Robin on my hand whilst holding or carrying Jacky or Daisy. However I have noticed the starlings here and they have been very musical but I suppose they are nesting at the moment. Anyway Zola how is your mum? Did she watch BBC Breakfast because there was an item about migraines and how debilitating they can be? They were talking about new medication which is what your mum was talking about. If this works for her it would be fantastic so I wish her the best of luck. My violin teacher had terrible migraines and they would knock her out for several days at a time.

Anyway Jacky has been enjoying strawberries as you can see from the photo that I posted but she is itching to come out probably because of the sugar-rush as well as the better weather. Therefore I am going to start letting her go into the garden over the next few days but I am aware that she will feel it a bit because her enclosure has been 28 degrees Celsius by day and 20 degrees Celsius by night. I also found my tortoise care sheet from when Daisy went to the vets for treatment for that first lump and they recommend dandelions, spring greens (in moderation), tomatoes as treats and even grapes! The vets were happy with strawberries as treats so I am happy to keep feeding Jacky with the same diet that she's had for 88 years!

Dickie I think you're okay with cherries and I hope your mum's okay. She's been quiet just like Ernie's mum. Sapphire's mum is fine and Mr Fre is keeping her busy.

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

I am very tired after spending a couple of hours outside in the garden for the first time this year. The weather was good and I had a few dandelions before stretching my legs. I miss walking around with Daisy but I know she is looking down on us. I expect Zola went out today and I do hope that Dickie, Sherman, Sue, Sapphire and Cathie are okay. Marsha, Seymour and PeeWee how are you three now. I know Marsha is very busy looking after everyone and also GGGGGAAAARRRYYYY, Sally and Squirt how are you three?

Goodnight everyone

Jacky, Angel Daisy and Natrah


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Natrah - it has been sunny today, and quite warm, so my dad took me to the breakwater,and I had a lovely long walk. We then walked up on the cliff, and I saw some lambs - fairly big ones, not babies, but sweet anyway. There are lots of wild primroses at the sides of the roads, and also bluebells are beginning to flower. Maybe next week, we will all go to the bluebell wood, to see if they are out there too at all yet,-Bude is always early with flowers.
Love to everyone from Zola xxxxx

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