Is my tortoise healthy?


New Member
May 14, 2017
Hi, I'm a very new member and a very new tortoise owner; I've had lemmy under a year now and lemmy isn't even a year old yet! I've noticed she/he (I don't know!) Is starting to pyramid a slight bit even though I'm trying very hard to give them a healthy diet! Usually it's either dandelion and leaves, or romaine lettuce and other greens- they are a Russian tortoise! Recently their lamp broke but because it's summer I got told if I took her out for half an hour to an hour in the sun it's the equivalent to a whole day of a UV lamp! Lemmy never drinks from their water bowl so I give them a bath around 3 times a week! I love them so so much and want to know if I'm doing okay and if there's anything I can do to improve? I've attached a picture!

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated thankyou!! :)

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The Dog Trainer
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Hello and welcome.

Pyramiding is caused by growth in conditions that are too dry. Not by food. Your diet needs more fiber, more variety, and should be based primarily on broadleaf weeds and leaves of the right types.

Do you have more than one?

You don't need a UV lamp if the tortoise is getting regular direct sunshine in an outdoor enclosure, but you still need a heat lamp indoors.

Where are you?

Here are a couple of threads that might have some tips and insight for you:


New Member
May 14, 2017
Ah okay, I only have the one at the moment, and I'm based in Bristol... do you know where good heat lamps are sold as I'm finding it hard to purchase some as I need a new fixing as well...

Thanks for the thread, it's very helpful :)

Yvonne G

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I buy most of my supplies off Amazon.


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Reptile pet stores, Amazon, eBay and online reptile pet stores are all good places to search for accessories.
Just don't let the pet shop owners talk you into buying what they want to sell you. Find out what you need on here then get that and that only. Most pet shops group all Tortoises into the same care category, and even that's never right for any species, they ain't bothered as long as they sell something.


New Member
May 14, 2017
Thankyou! @Anyfoot I've noticed as I've been into a few and they give me lamps that are made for lizards or snakes... I've probably spent around £60 on stuff which I didn't need or didn't work/help which is why I wanted more research before buying a new one... thankyou!


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Thankyou! @Anyfoot I've noticed as I've been into a few and they give me lamps that are made for lizards or snakes... I've probably spent around £60 on stuff which I didn't need or didn't work/help which is why I wanted more research before buying a new one... thankyou!
If you find anything on the bluelizard site check eBay to see if it's cheaper for the SAME brand.


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Welcome to the forum!

It's illegal to import tortoises into the UK, right? So Lemmy was born in Britain and you're sure of his age? I always ask because we get imported animals all the time in the U.S. that are sold as young tortoises when they're actually full grown. He looks captive bred to me, I'm just always looking so I can get better educated on the differences.


New Member
May 14, 2017
@RosemaryDW thankyou! I got lemmy for my birthday last year from my family and friends but unfortunately had to wait a few weeks because he had just hatched around a month before...I got him from a shelter my friend worked at for a while where they apparently have a friend who bred tortoises and this is where lemmy came from... that's all I know! I do remember at the shelter they were housing ill and damaged tortoises though, and had a number of them baby russian's themselves along with other animals!


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Well, he's quite attractive. Can you tell me how long he is, if you measure hit top shell? This is how you do it: really can't tell in this picture and I've never seen a teenaged tortoise up close. :)

I haven't noticed but has anyone spoken to you about that water dish? It's not safe for tortoises, as they can't bend their bodies up and down. The pet shope might have sold you that as well; it's for lizards. Lemmy will be safer and happier with a cheap, flat terracotta saucer from the nursery. One that's big enough that he can get his entire body into it or easily reach for a drink. Sink it into the substrate so it's level with the top of it.


New Member
May 14, 2017
@RosemaryDW thankyou! I love lemmy so much, I wanted a tortoise for about 5 years and kept going on about it until they got fed up and brought me one! I'll have a measure as soon as possible.... I did think that about the water bowl as he never drank from it so I always had to give him baths, so I'll try and buy a new one as soon as possible, from other posts I've seen people put pebbles in their one.. do tortoises enjoy this because if so I'll get them today! Thankyou! :)


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If I understand correctly, people put rocks INTO a bowl to make sure babies don't get too deep and possibly drown.

Some people put rocks AROUND the bowl to keep the tortoise from dragging wet substrate around when their feet get wet. Like a doormat.

Even with the right bowl, you may not see Lemmy drink much. He's from a dry climate and his body is very good at storing water. Soaks may be enough.


New Member
May 14, 2017
Cool thankyou! I will order these things as soon as I get payed which is hopefully tomorrow :)

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