Introducing ourselves

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Mar 3, 2012
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I'm the mom of a 6 yr old boy and his young Russian Tortoise named Speedy. We've had speedy a year in June. So, we survived the winter. We've had 80 degree weather here so Speedy's been able to explore the outside once more! Not much to eat yet out there, but the fresh air must feel great! We had a bit of a scare this weekend. We turned our back on him and he disappeared. He ended up having to spend a night outside. Lots of tears were shed. We were so scared he wouldn't last the night. My tech savvy daughter googled his survival rate, and some heartless blogger just said "he's DEAD!". The temps only got down to 62 that night. We still had hope! My husband went out the next day and searched the backyard again. A lot of the shrubs don't have leaves yet. But he looked under each one thoroughly again. We know his instincts at that time of day were to find a dark place to hide. Sure enough, he had buried himself under one of his favorite Spirea bushes! Deep under the dead leaves! He was home safe!! We spoiled him with some of his favorite greens.
He's kind of a grumpy guy. So if anyone has suggestions on how to help him be more personable, let me know. He's a very loved member of our pet family!

Ps: I'm having a hard time posting pics. They're just small iPhone pics, but it won't let me. Any ideas?

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Hi Teri:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

So glad you were able to find Speedy. They really are good at getting away from you. This must have strengthened your resolve to build Speedy a nice big outdoor pen!


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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Welcome I guess speedy lived up to his name.


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5 Year Member
Mar 3, 2012
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Thanks everyone! We have an outdoor "traveling" enclosure for him during the day when it's nice. We move it around the yard so he always has a clean place, maybe a few fresh weeds and a good combination of sun and shade. We don't want to make him a permanent one because we have coyotes! But, that day we just weren't thinking and set him down outside his enclosure. He's taught us all a very valuable lesson.
For any of you, have you ever had your Tort potty trained? Speedy hates being dirty, last summer he would only go potty outside!! He did that all on his own. We didn't even realize it until we had him inside on a very wet stormy day. He kept pacing in front of the patio door. He finally gave up and just went to the bathroom right there. We started to pay attention, and noticed, sure enough he never went in his indoor habitat. I felt really bad for him knowing that winter was coming eventually!
Can't wait to read more. I'll try to figure out how to do pics too.
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