Impacted Tortoise - liquid paraffin

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Nov 20, 2011
Hi Everyone,

My 2 year old Horsfield is currently in the vets having been diagnosed as having a blockage in his gut. He hadn't pooped for 3 weeks.

They are giving him liquid paraffin by mouth and calcium injections to hopefully push the mass through but I was wondering... How successful is this? I ccanot bear to think of him in pain and hopefully he will pass it soon :-(

Thanks for any help


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Liquid parrafin is also called mineral they are feeding him mineral oils and calcium injections for impaction? Did they explain the reason for the calcium injections? for impaction? That is curious to me....di d your vet take an xray that confirmed impaction? How long do they plan on doing this treatment if they get no poo soon?

Yvonne G

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I know that along with an injection of oxytocin to help a female tortoise release her eggs, they always give an injection of calcium too. I don't know why, but maybe it helps to relax the muscles.

Mineral oil is non-absorptive, so it coats all the tubes and whatever is holding up the process and helps it slip out. Keep the tortoise warmer than usual and you should see results within a couple days.


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Apple Valley, California your tortoise at home in your care or is your tortoise at the vets office for this treatment? :D


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calcium is binding.. so that is weird..
are they sure its a intestinal blockage and not a bladder stone?
What has the diet and husbandry been the past two years?


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Laura...that was my same thought on the calcium....the only thing that came to mind is perhaps the oil sweep may deplete the calcium from the system?? So giving boost of it? But then if that was it then would that boost also not be moved in the oil sweep???? Yeah I don't get it either???? Likely because I have not been medically trained...but sure would like an exact know? Hmmmm?


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Nov 20, 2011
Hey. Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for all of the comments.

The vet showed me the X-ray. It seems that because there has been an increase in the uptake of vitamin D the calcium has leached out of the needed areas and built up in the gut. She is quite a reputable vet in the UK however I don't know if I'm reproducing the words accurately. The bones were apparently shown to be feint also.

I just feel terrible. I thought I was doing an ok job in the grand scheme of things, reading up on things, diet, bathing. But now I just feel so bad for little Henry.

Thanks guys. I appreciate any help or advice whatsoever x


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Hey all. Apologies apparently all of my posts are being moderated before being posted so might be taking a while :-(


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Now I am you mean Henry was not getting enough calcium intake so his body was pulling it from his bones...did she mention the phrase MBD at all?

But in the xray did she point our an actual urates blockage point or any other exact blockage spot?? To explain why she says he is impacted?


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Gemzyfish said:
Hey all. Apologies apparently all of my posts are being moderated before being posted so might be taking a while :-(

You have your five posts now, so you will no longer be on moderation. ;)


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I am going to call her first thing in the morning and I shall make sure I can reproducibly tell you the exact words.

She explained that the blood tests showed that the calcium and other test factors were fine apar from a little excess of vitamin D. The X-ray showed that the bones were weak. She sad that sometimes vitamin D excesses can cause calcium to leach out of the bones.

I'm sorry if there is any confusion and shall get an exact wording in the morning. I have been to ad from another vet nearby for the last month. And only finally since taking him to this vet have I been able to get some answers.

I'm so sorry for causin any confusion. I guess I'm despairing a little. It's all I can think about! X


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Not to add worry with MY

May I ask if Henry regular diet included regular feedings of spinach or mushrooms?
I am only concerned with the impaction diagnosis? If there are no blockage clearly on the xray I would be curious as to why that was diagnosis and why then the mineral oil? Unless the mineral oil is being used to coat the gut kinds like a temporary protective layer? ?

Hmmmm? Yes please share what you find if you do not mind that is :D

Yvonne G

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From the Merck Veterinary Manual:

Vitamin D is also required for proper calcium metabolism and balance. Animals housed outside with access to natural, unfiltered sunlight usually have adequate levels of vitamin D3 because inactive vitamin D precursors in the skin are converted to vitamin D3 when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. Access to UV light has been recommended in reptiles not exposed to unfiltered sunlight (see lighting requirements Management). Reptiles fed whole mammalian prey generally consume adequate levels of preformed vitamin D3 . The food items of insectivores should be fortified by gut loading and powdering. Herbivores that have limited exposure to UV light should receive supplemental vitamin D3. Most reptile supplements that contain calcium also contain limited (but adequate) amounts of vitamin D3 . Excessive levels of oral vitamin D3 can lead to the excessive absorption and utilization of calcium.

back to my words: So the tortoise getting too much Vitamin D3 will start to absorb the calcium from its bones and shell.


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Also..something that sticks with me is that "in humans" an excess of vitamin d is treated in part by the reduction of calcium intake? So I am a little interested in what your vet explains....

Maybe one of our member vets here will chime in with their opinion in what you have explained so far....


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Nov 20, 2011
Of course I don't mind. Thanks for your posts. It's nice to be able to chat it through, thanks :)

I NEVER fed Henry spinach or mushroom, I've always stayed clear of spinach. He is fed mostly on weeds, and rocket or watercress when there are none available. He has always been a good eater.

I was told there was gravelly bits in the gut. Sorry I feel a bit embarrassed for not questioning the vet further. I think you tend to take their word when you're a little despairing....

Thanks again. I'm calling the vet at 10am!

I was administering zolcalD liquid calcium supplement that also contained vitamin D.... Only once a week. Again this was recommended to be by a tortoise vet.


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In addition :D excessive vitamin d can show itself in constipation, kidney stones, poor appetite, weight loss and weakness....

I see that the term impaction here perhaps was used by your vet for a few reasons...
How old is your man Henry? :D

We are all here to help one another....and I am pulling for your Henry to make a speedy full recovery...:D


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Nov 20, 2011
Well that sounds incredibly like all the symptoms Henry was showing that made me take him to the vets. He was sleeping, not eating. Not passing anything. It was worrying that he almost forgot how to use his back legs. He can pull them in when you tap at them. But not walk on them properly. So I took him for bloods and they gave him a barium meal to check for any blockages or impaction. Apparently the mass in there may be pressing on his leg nerves that's stopping him from walking...

Does this make sense?!!?

I absolutely adore Henry. I can't bear to think I've kinda... Failed him in a way.. !!

Yvonne G

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Hi Gemma:

It sounds like you have a pretty knowledgeable vet. You're lucky. Please don't think that our questions mean we are questioning your vet's advice. We're just trying to understand...that's the way we all learn.

My guess would be that the tortoise has some pretty large, hardened urates that won't come out. What your vet is doing will help them move through the system. Let's hope it works, because the next step would be surgery.

Quit beating yourself up over this. It may be a fluke thing that you had no control over. It may be that he didn't drink enough water (you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink).

We're all sending good thoughts your way. Good luck, Henry!!!


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Nov 20, 2011
Thanks Yvonne. And everyone. I like to question everything at the moment!

Yeah I'm hoping the lubrication will help him pass the beast! Obviously I would obviously have the surgery done... But still. It's kinda scary!

Lots of obviouslys there. Hehe


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Nov 20, 2011

Henry is having an operation today. Apparently over the weekend they have been attempting to administer the liquid paraffin by tube to the stomach but it keeps coming back up again so it is definitely blocked :-(

I'm so gutted for him!
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