I find this very enlightening.....

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May 2, 2011
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how the hell can you kill that many animals.. and ONLY find homes for 24 of them? WTF


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Oct 29, 2011
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The Crystal Unicorn
WOW! I can understand the death of some animals due to "Unadoptability" but 94%.?

...never been much of a PETA person... but then again I like meat!

Yvonne G

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My only experience with "rescue" is in the turtle/tortoise part of it, so I can't really speak to the "unadoptable" issue...only to say that once in a great while I'll take in a turtle or tortoise that I can't adopt out for one reason or another. But its nowhere near as high a percentage as Pita's percentage. More like a half a percent is unadoptable.

I just think they're not trying to find homes for the animals. Too much work involved.


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Zamric said:
WOW! I can understand the death of some animals due to "Unadoptability" but 94%.?

...never been much of a PETA person... but then again I like meat!



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Sep 6, 2011
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WOW that sickens me:(. I am a PETA supporter, only for about a year now. I don't believe in some of their beliefs and antics but I thought they did good by animals. I now can say that I WAS a PETA supporter and no longer will be. I would have never guessed they would kill one animal, let alone 95%. Makes me sick:( I joined and gave them my money, that could have gone to the other animal rights no kill shelters I also support.
Thanks for posting it.:D


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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I have been against PETA for quite awhile now. I could not support an org. that wants to take away people pets.


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I did a research paper on PETA for a college course during my vet tech. schooling... I'd have to dig for the actual document (it lists sources that are reliable and that I heavily researched) but I will say that this slaughter has been going on for years. There have also been many acts of, well, frankly terrorism by PETA members. The FBI considers them a terrorist organization.

One thing to understand about PETA - their idea of animal rights is that no one should keep animals as pets. That is the reason that they destroy all these animals rather than adopt them out. They literally want to obliterate pet ownership. They can't do that if they place their "rescues" into homes.

I am all for support animal rights, but I believe that it should be done on local levels. Donate money, food, toys, etc. to LOCAL shelters. That way you know that your contributions go to actually help animals, and not to pay for advertising, ridiculous executive salaries and MORE fund raising. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is another organization that is really nothing but a money grubbing conglomerate that does nothing to support local shelters, and actually doesn't even HAVE a shelter!


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May 7, 2011
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Very interesting thread and comments. It seems PETA is even more extreme than I thought.

I am very much in favor of animal welfare. However, I am not in favor of "animal rights," simply because unlike humans, animals are amoral beings. Although they may appreciate consequences, they have no concepts of duty or virtue, and cannot enter into legally binding contracts in human society. Therefore, although they do deserve ethical treatment from us, I would argue they are not entitled to rights.

If PETA is killing animals is to prevent them from being adopted out to people, then they are doing much more harm than good in their campaign. I think their "animal liberation" position is untenable, and does not as a rule help either animals or people. I think they are much better ways to approach animal welfare than what PETA does, and the article in the OP is further proof of that.


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I've always thought PETA as somewhat sketchy.. they always exaggerate everything.


The Dog Trainer
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GeoTerraTestudo said:
Very interesting thread and comments. It seems PETA is even more extreme than I thought.

I am very much in favor of animal welfare. However, I am not in favor of "animal rights," simply because unlike humans, animals are amoral beings. Although they may appreciate consequences, they have no concepts of duty or virtue, and cannot enter into legally binding contracts in human society. Therefore, although they do deserve ethical treatment from us, I would argue they are not entitled to rights.

If PETA is killing animals is to prevent them from being adopted out to people, then they are doing much more harm than good in their campaign. I think their "animal liberation" position is untenable, and does not as a rule help either animals or people. I think they are much better ways to approach animal welfare than what PETA does, and the article in the OP is further proof of that.

Ditto! I wish more people understood the distinction between "animal welfare", which we should ALL be in favor and support of, and "animal rights" which is an insane concept and should be obliterated at every turn.


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Tom said:
Ditto! I wish more people understood the distinction between "animal welfare", which we should ALL be in favor and support of, and "animal rights" which is an insane concept and should be obliterated at every turn.

I have never been a member or supporter of PETA precisely because they are in favor of animal rights, not animal welfare. However, back when I was at USF in Tampa, Florida, I let PETA interview me on the issue of keeping bettas in small containers. They cited me, saying that although bettas are resilient, they should be provided with plenty of room and good water, like all fish:


But again, I agreed to give them information, not because I think animals should have "rights," but because I believe all pets - including fish - should be treated well.


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Feb 7, 2012
Ok I'm sorry I know I'm the only one on here that's upset not over the article but the comments. I am a proud vegetarian of 5 years and I strongly believe in PETA. How do you know that this article isn't fudged? A lot of people hate PETA for no reason and so they make fake documents. Unless you are hearing from an actual PETA or government official I would never believe the bull people put out there to instill their hatred in others. People are crazy. You never know who or what you can trust now days. Don't base your opinion off of one article or even one research paper. I'm sorry if I'm offending anybody. But this is my personal belief and thought I should put it out there.


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GeoTerraTestudo said:
Tom said:
Ditto! I wish more people understood the distinction between "animal welfare", which we should ALL be in favor and support of, and "animal rights" which is an insane concept and should be obliterated at every turn.

I have never been a member or supporter of PETA precisely because they are in favor of animal rights, not animal welfare. However, back when I was at USF in Tampa, Florida, I let PETA interview me on the issue of keeping bettas in small containers. They cited me, saying that although bettas are resilient, they should be provided with plenty of room and good water, like all fish:


But again, I agreed to give them information, not because I think animals should have "rights," but because I believe all pets - including fish - should be treated well.

Well said, I agree 100%!


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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An article written about PETA killing animals, written by PETA? Isn't that kind of like asking the foxes to guard the hens?


The Dog Trainer
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Jessie said:
Ok I'm sorry I know I'm the only one on here that's upset not over the article but the comments. I am a proud vegetarian of 5 years and I strongly believe in PETA. How do you know that this article isn't fudged? A lot of people hate PETA for no reason and so they make fake documents. Unless you are hearing from an actual PETA or government official I would never believe the bull people put out there to instill their hatred in others. People are crazy. You never know who or what you can trust now days. Don't base your opinion off of one article or even one research paper. I'm sorry if I'm offending anybody. But this is my personal belief and thought I should put it out there.

I don't hate them for no reason. I hate them for a lot of very good reasons, and you should too.

1. They think what you and I do as tortoise keepers is horrible. Some of them would like to do us bodily harm for "enslaving" and "exploiting" these animals that belong in the wild.
2. As Kristina noted they are listed as a TERRORIST organization by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I hate ALL terrorists.
3. They wish to end my career and shut down my profession and use dishonest, vile, animal harming tactics to do so. There is video proof of this.
4. They do NOT help animals, as this article points out.
5. Two of my bosses met with Alex Pacheco and Ingrid Newkirk for a social occasion. They literally laughed at the "idiots" that send in money after they distribute their gut-wrenching pamphlets. They laugh from the comfort of their BMW's and Mercedes Benz's or their million dollar homes that good intentioned people like YOU bought for them. I find this despicable. Don't you. These people claim to help animals, but instead kill them. They take money from people who love animals and want to help them, and instead buy fancy cars and homes. Then they literally laugh with contempt at the people who gave them the money.

Jesse, you have been hood-winked. Sorry you had to find out this way, but its better than not finding out at all. You have been tricked because you are a good person with good intentions and you love animals. Give your money to someone who will do some good with it.


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Feb 7, 2012
Tom said:
I don't hate them for no reason. I hate them for a lot of very good reasons, and you should too.

1. They think what you and I do as tortoise keepers is horrible. Some of them would like to do us bodily harm for "enslaving" and "exploiting" these animals that belong in the wild.
2. As Kristina noted they are listed as a TERRORIST organization by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I hate ALL terrorists.
3. They wish to end my career and shut down my profession and use dishonest, vile, animal harming tactics to do so. There is video proof of this.
4. They do NOT help animals, as this article points out.
5. Two of my bosses met with Alex Pacheco and Ingrid Newkirk for a social occasion. They literally laughed at the "idiots" that send in money after they distribute their gut-wrenching pamphlets. They laugh from the comfort of their BMW's and Mercedes Benz's or their million dollar homes that good intentioned people like YOU bought for them. I find this despicable. Don't you. These people claim to help animals, but instead kill them. They take money from people who love animals and want to help them, and instead buy fancy cars and homes. Then they literally laugh with contempt at the people who gave them the money.

Jesse, you have been hood-winked. Sorry you had to find out this way, but its better than not finding out at all. You have been tricked because you are a good person with good intentions and you love animals. Give your money to someone who will do some good with it.

Thank you for the information. I will do some research and if this is all true I'm very glad you helped to open my eyes. And btw I don't have the extra money between school and shakespeare to donate money to them.


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Tom said:
5. Two of my bosses met with Alex Pacheco and Ingrid Newkirk for a social occasion. They literally laughed at the "idiots" that send in money after they distribute their gut-wrenching pamphlets. They laugh from the comfort of their BMW's and Mercedes Benz's or their million dollar homes that good intentioned people like YOU bought for them. I find this despicable. Don't you. These people claim to help animals, but instead kill them. They take money from people who love animals and want to help them, and instead buy fancy cars and homes. Then they literally laugh with contempt at the people who gave them the money.

Wow, reminds me of the Reverend Moon, or those Mega-Churches that people give their hard-earned money to. The donors think they're doing something good, when really the demagogic leaders are laughing all the way to the bank.
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