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5 Year Member
Mar 28, 2012
I rescued a three toed box turtle, a few months ago, from a pet store. His name is Robert Paulson (from my favorite movie, if you get the reference) Although, I am sure "Bob" is a girl! Anyway, she seemed to be eating well and was pretty active. I could usually entice her with other foods if I put a worm in front of her face! I am also 99% sure she is wild caught due to her "weathered" shell and because I bought her from a pet store. Most of the turtles and tortoises I see at the stores, I can tell are from the wild and aren't being taken care of, and I want to rescue them all!
Anyway, lately Bob has been staying buried in the dirt and I have unbury her even for a worm. Is it possible that her natural instinct is kicking in and she is trying to hibernate? I just want to make sure she is OK. Thanks!


5 Year Member
Apr 25, 2012
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Are you keeping her indoors or out? What are the temps in her habitat? Where are you located? What is your heat and lighting like? Do you intend to hibernate her?

Most turtles start to dig down in fall to get ready to hibernate. Most people recommend not hibernating a new turtle, and instead keep them awake and active. A bit more information would help us give more accurate info to you though.

Most of the turtles/torts sold at pet stores are not in good conditions; their housing just needs to be adequate enough to keep the animal alive until someone buys them and they replace it with a new one.


5 Year Member
Mar 28, 2012
I have her inside. I bought her in september, so I didn't want to put her outside due to weather conditions around here. I live in PA near Lake Erie, in the snow belt. So it gets cold here!
She has a UVB bulb. I had a CHE for heat, but it would only get to about 78 under the basking spot, so I switched to a regular heat lamp during the day. Her substrate is soil and peat moss. However, like I said she has been staying buried under the soil all the time lately.
Thanks again for any help!


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10 Year Member!
Aug 24, 2007
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Staten Island, New York
If she is WC, she is slowing down now for hibernation. I'm in NY and all mine are outside year round, but if I get a new one I don't put it outside for the first year unless I get it in the Spring and it has the whole Summer to adjust to the temperature change. Keep the lights on to mimic the Summer months and keep her enclosure in the high 70's to 80. Offer her food every other day and mist her enclosure to keep it humid. You can also try soaking her every day in warm water.


5 Year Member
Mar 28, 2012
Thanks so much for the help! I didn't want to disturb her, but it looks like I may have to. I think it would be best not to let her hibernate. I think if I soak her daily, maybe she will get the hint :) the temps are around 80 during the day, just need to get her up and moving!!! Thanks again!
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