Hello all I am a newbie

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5 Year Member
Jun 29, 2012
I am new to the forum and glad to be here:D
I have a 3-4year old male pancake tortoise "Fast Eddie:tort:", the love of my life. I have been having some serious troubles with him and am trying desperately to get him to eat. I have been to the vet and he says that I am doing everything right but he still isn't eating. If some one has any ideas PLEASE help! He has a large enclosure that stays on the hot side between 100-105 and on the cooler side 80-90. His humidity it around 50-60 depending on the day, I try to keep it as low as possible. He has lots of hidey spots and loves to crawl around, he's very active. He has two uvb/uva lights. He seems to be quite happy other than not eating. He went into a slight brumation (sorry I don't know how to spell) and this is when this whole horror story started. He didn't eat for three months and I kept calling the vet and took him in twice. The vet that I go to is reptile savvy, the best in the area (lower mainland B.C Canada). He said to wait until he starts loosing weight so I kept monitoring and then he started to be A LOT more active. The sun started to finally shine so he was going out side quite a bit. Well I took him in to get a vitamin shot to stimulate his apatite. When I got him home it was a beautiful day so I took him out side and he was walking around and started eating a weed, I was soooo happy until my mother in law told me that it was butter cups and they are very poisonous:( I was crushed and called the vet immediately and the vet said to just watch him and see if he has bloody stool or is salivating, the butter cups can cause ulcerations through out the digestive system. Well thank goodness that he seemed to be OK even did his first poop in months, which was totally fine. But he stopped eating:( Well since he was out of his sleepy state he was walking around lots and I take him out when I am at home to just walk around the house. So he started to loose weight so I closely monitored him and when it got to a dangerous point (160g) I took him in to the vet. He did surgery and put in a feeding tube. The poor guy! He had a feeding tube in for 1 month and he gained quite a bit of weight 40g! So he just got the tube out and I've been putting quite the arrangement of food in his home trying to get him to eat. I have even been trying sweeter things which I know he isn't suppose to eat but the vet said anything at this point is awesome! So he gets spring mix with no spinach, romaine lettuce, grape tomato, cherry (just trying today), grass, carrot, dandelion, tortoise pellets, butternut squash, mint, parsley, cilantro, tortoise food from the pet store that is supposed to make them want to eat?, broccoli, cactus when i can find it, and melon. I am so stressed and just want him to do well he is currently sitting at 200g but this wont stay like this for long because of all of his activities. If any one can help I would so greatly appreciate it!!!!! I apologize for the novel just hoping that the info will help.

Yvonne G

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Hi Mrs.Robinson:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

I don't keep pancakes, so I'll defer to others on the forum who know more about them.

Its nice to have you here, and I hope your problem gets resolved and you can post some nice pictures of your tortoise for us.

I know how scarey it can be when your tortoise won't eat. I hope you can find something to stimulate his appetite soon.

One thing I did notice, and like I said I don't know about pancakes, but it seems like the cool side of your habitat is a bit too warm.


New Member
5 Year Member
Jun 29, 2012
It's nice to be here! Thanks for the welcome!

I got Eddie to eat strawberry yesterday! I was so excited I was jumping around the house. I will get some pics up as soon as i can figure out how to do it. He's a cute little bugger, especially with his face all covered in strawberry:D He's not really suppose to be eating that but anything at this point is fantastic!

It does seem quite warm on the cool side compared to most tortoises but from everything that I have read and what the vet has told me I am doing everything right. He is my first tortoise so I am sure I have a lot to learn still. Hell I have had turtles my whole life and I still am learning about them.

Well my fingers are crossed and hopefully he's om the mend!


Hope this works
barb\'s phone 2012 045.JPGbarb\'s phone 2012 046.JPG

emysemys said:
Hi Mrs.Robinson:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

I don't keep pancakes, so I'll defer to others on the forum who know more about them.

Its nice to have you here, and I hope your problem gets resolved and you can post some nice pictures of your tortoise for us.

I know how scarey it can be when your tortoise won't eat. I hope you can find something to stimulate his appetite soon.

One thing I did notice, and like I said I don't know about pancakes, but it seems like the cool side of your habitat is a bit too warm.
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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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:D :D I was not expecting that first picture! :D :D :D I am glad he ate something, even if it is not the best kind of something. Remember sometimes it's baby steps with these guys.
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