Heatpad VS CHE

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5 Year Member
Apr 2, 2013
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I've been debating on whether or not I should get a CHE or a reptile heating pad for Koopa. His temperatures are not quite 80 degrees on the cool side (hovering around 78-79), however spot on in the basking (110) warm (102) and humidity (83%) areas. If I do get the CHE, I'll be losing some of my humidity when putting in another hole into my top, however, I'm worried that the heating pad will be damaged or cause fire or burn my tort if he burrows down deep enough, and he's a digger. My enclosure is made of wood also, so would I put the heating pad under the substrate or under the actual enclosure. If I do place it underneath will it even be effective as a heating element?

I'm considering buying both and seeing which one I like more, and then returning the product I dislike, but seeing as ya'll are such smart people, I thought I'd run it by you first.

What do you think?


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5 Year Member
Apr 1, 2013
The pad i got from zoomed stated only to use it on a glass tank, not wood. It is supposed to be affixed to the underside of the tank, not inside the tank under the substrate, i dont think they are water tight so even if it doesnt burn him it could short out if it gets wet (just a guess im no pro, they may sell waterproof ones)...i see alot of folks here that dont have a glass enclosure use heating ropes that can be burried right into the substrate, but i dont use them myself. I do know for sure a heating element under/in the substrate will greatly help with humidity, my pad worked wonders to get moisture levels where i needed them. Plus, it makes it warm too.


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Sep 6, 2011
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People use what is called a pig blanket. However, they use them for large torts as I don't think,they make them small enough for a inside enclosure. However, if you use any pad, you should put it on a thermostat so there is no chance of it getting too hot and burning your tort. I only use CHE' for my leopard. If you cut the hole to fit the size of the CHE bulb and not the fixture, you should not lose much humidity. If you line the hole with tin foil, you don't have to worry about the wood or plastic lid burning either.
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