

Active Member
Jul 31, 2018
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This was the most traumatizing week of my life. All week long I was working really hard to make a new outdoor enclosure for my female tortoise, Vasili. I spent many hours and lots of money working on it. On Thursday night i had finished the project. I took her out to explore and she did what she always does. She wandered around until she found the perfect place to lay her head and took a nap. The next morning I was so excited to take her back outside. I put her out there and put the expanded metal lid on and went back in the house to feed my baby. After I fed my baby I walked to the window to check on her. And I couldn’t see her. She was very large and not the best at hiding so I started to panick. Out of the corner of my eye I saw it, a dog. I ran outside screaming. The dog ran off through the hole it made in the fence. When I ran over to Vasili most of her shell was gone. I could see her exposed heart still beating. I screamed, I sobbed and I held her for her last few minutes. I’m so deeply traumatized, angry and guilty. I was trying to better her life and now she’s dead. She died in the worst way imaginable. I loved her so much. She was my big girl with so much personality. She was so outgoing. Every time I walked up to her enclosure she would come over to me and let me pet the back of her head and hand feed her. The night before she was killed, I sat by her outdoor enclosure watching her with my baby on my lap. She ran over to us and let my baby touch her. She was fearless. And now she is gone. None of my family understands why I’m so upset. They say it was only a tortoise. To put it in perspective for them, I asked how they would feel if a wolf came into their horse pasture and savagely ripped apart their winning barrel horse. They still don’t get it. Please try not to point fingers or tear me down. I thought I was doing the right thing and I hate myself enough already.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 18, 2017
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I'm so very sorry you had to experience this. I can't imagine [emoji45][emoji45] my deepest sympathies.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2018
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Wow this is extremely sad...I would be angry too. Another good exemple of what may happen when a dog is near a tort(I know the dog wasn't supposed to be there). Very sorry for your loss...


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
So sorry.

So the dog got through the metal lid? Whose dog was it? The owner of that dog is responsible for the damage to the fence and all the costs associated with your tortoise. Doesn't bring back an awesome animal, but maybe it will make the person look after their dog better.

I wish I had a time machine...


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
This was the most traumatizing week of my life. All week long I was working really hard to make a new outdoor enclosure for my female tortoise, Vasili. I spent many hours and lots of money working on it. On Thursday night i had finished the project. I took her out to explore and she did what she always does. She wandered around until she found the perfect place to lay her head and took a nap. The next morning I was so excited to take her back outside. I put her out there and put the expanded metal lid on and went back in the house to feed my baby. After I fed my baby I walked to the window to check on her. And I couldn’t see her. She was very large and not the best at hiding so I started to panick. Out of the corner of my eye I saw it, a dog. I ran outside screaming. The dog ran off through the hole it made in the fence. When I ran over to Vasili most of her shell was gone. I could see her exposed heart still beating. I screamed, I sobbed and I held her for her last few minutes. I’m so deeply traumatized, angry and guilty. I was trying to better her life and now she’s dead. She died in the worst way imaginable. I loved her so much. She was my big girl with so much personality. She was so outgoing. Every time I walked up to her enclosure she would come over to me and let me pet the back of her head and hand feed her. The night before she was killed, I sat by her outdoor enclosure watching her with my baby on my lap. She ran over to us and let my baby touch her. She was fearless. And now she is gone. None of my family understands why I’m so upset. They say it was only a tortoise. To put it in perspective for them, I asked how they would feel if a wolf came into their horse pasture and savagely ripped apart their winning barrel horse. They still don’t get it. Please try not to point fingers or tear me down. I thought I was doing the right thing and I hate myself enough already.

I am just sick for heart hurts for both you and your so devastating. Sometimes the sadness we have we carry alone and our families or friends may not always understand.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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That is so traumatic and painful I can’t even imagine. It’s every tortoise owners biggest nightmare and I’m sorry it happened to you. I hope you’re able to understand you did nothing wrong. I also hope the owners of that dog provide some sort of compensation for what it would be worth. Cyber hugs!


Active Member
Jul 31, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
So sorry.

So the dog got through the metal lid? Whose dog was it? The owner of that dog is responsible for the damage to the fence and all the costs associated with your tortoise. Doesn't bring back an awesome animal, but maybe it will make the person look after their dog better.

I wish I had a time machine...

I don’t know how the dog moved the lid. It was a heavy expanded metal lid that my dad welded for me. I thought it was animal proof but the dog managed to push it enough to get in her enclosure. I don’t know who owns the dog. It was a large pit bull that I haven’t seen before. I’ve contacted animal control about it and will be watching for it. This was my biggest nightmare. I’m terrified of dogs. When I was a toddler I got bit in the face by a dog and have ugly scars on my face. Over the years I have been bit several times. I’m a runner and occasionally I come across a dog that comes after me and bites my legs. It’s terrifying.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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Wow I’m sorry! The laws where I live are pretty strict on loose dogs so luckily we don’t deal with that much.


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Feb 17, 2016
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Newport Coast, CA
Oh I am so sorry. Of course you are heartbroken. We understand, even if your family isn’t quite there yet.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Ah, darn it! Only another tortoise person can understand, Kaeloni. Terrible that you've lost your tortoise in this way. So sad. Please try to not beat yourself up over this. You were trying to give Vasili a better life. It's not your fault about the dog.

Lyn W

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5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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I am so very sorry for your loss.
What an horrific experience for you, I would be heartbroken too and feel upset just reading about it.
Families don't always understand our connection or affection for our torts or but everyone here does.
You did your best and gave Vaseii a lovely life.
The owner should know what his dog has done. I hope the police find him.

Via Infinito

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Dec 18, 2017
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Viet Nam
Big dogs are gross as .... sorry not sorry.
And I espcially hate dog owners who let their dogs roam free and almost always say things like “oh my dog is very nice, it won’t bite” as the dog is growling at you.
I have a family poodle who literrally terrorizes people and sometimes my dad, is 24/07 obsessed with me and making me realize that I don’t like dogs very much.
( my first dog was a chihuahua, and in hindsight she was more like a cat than a dog in behaviour, very independent and classy)


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
East Texas
Big dogs are gross as .... sorry not sorry.
And I espcially hate dog owners who let their dogs roam free and almost always say things like “oh my dog is very nice, it won’t bite” as the dog is growling at you.
I have a family poodle who literrally terrorizes people and sometimes my dad, is 24/07 obsessed with me and making me realize that I don’t like dogs very much.
( my first dog was a chihuahua, and in hindsight she was more like a cat than a dog in behaviour, very independent and classy)
I'm not a fan of small dogs, so to each their own.
I used to have a neighbor that couldn't/ wouldn't control their dog. It would cross the street and bark and snarl at my husband, daughter, and our livestock. When my husband told them to keep it on their own property, and that it was being aggressive and may hurt someone- they responded "He just doesn't like your cowboy hat, he would never hurt anyone!"
Soon after a teenager from down the road was walking his senior dog when the neighbors pitbull ran up and bit the boy on the leg. The boys dog responded by attacking the pitbull.
Hubby and I happened to be outside when it happened and hubby ended up putting the pitbull in a choke hold until the police showed up. The dog ended up being euthanized and the owners had to pay for the doctor and vet bills.
I don't blame the dog, I blame the owners for being ignorant and in denial. All they had to do was keep the gate closed, the property was fenced already.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 23, 2018
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East Texas
Horribly sad stories! I’m so sorry for your loss and hope that you’ll find some comfort here. Many are praying for you.

Big Charlie

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Jul 28, 2015
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I am so sorry for your loss. That must have been the worst experience of your life. I can't imagine anything so horrible. I hope they find the dog.

Carol S

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Jun 2, 2009
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I am so sorry for your loss. I can imagine the horror and heartbreak you felt when you saw what the dog had done to your sweet Vasili. When I read your post my heart broke for you.


New Member
Dec 24, 2014
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Hampstead, NC
Big dogs are gross as .... sorry not sorry.
And I espcially hate dog owners who let their dogs roam free and almost always say things like “oh my dog is very nice, it won’t bite” as the dog is growling at you.
I have a family poodle who literrally terrorizes people and sometimes my dad, is 24/07 obsessed with me and making me realize that I don’t like dogs very much.
( my first dog was a chihuahua, and in hindsight she was more like a cat than a dog in behaviour, very independent and classy)
You should hate the irresponsible dog owners who don’t care what damage their pets do! Any dog can kill and eat a tortoise, it’s an easy meal for them.