Freddy... R.i.P ... ughh.. my tortoise for a short time, but a friend for life.

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Its with heavy sadness..
after not posting here for weeks now im forced to make this post..

to let the great people here know.. that after all we tried.. we were unable to bring Freddy's health into check.

We got him 4 or 5 months ago... and immediately knew he was not well.. after eye treatments and a severe worm infection.. his shell began to soften rapidly.. and never ate more then a couple nibbles after the 1st week we had him.

Multiple vet visits , and so many ups and downs.

I want everyone here to know that we appreciate all the time and help you offered us during our struggle to bring him back to health.

I know now how wonderful these animals are, I will someday hope to have another tortoise join our family. But I will better ensure the source I get my tortoise from and am better aware of what to look for in the future.

im so torn up.. I know so many of you have shown such sincere concern for our little sulcata freddy.. we wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all the kind words and direction you provided.

I will continue to be a member here , and keep an eye out for anyone who has issues related to what we went through so we may hope to help another.

RIP Mr. Freddy McFredrickson You were our tortoise for a short while, but you'll always be a part of our family and a great friend. I've never loved a pet till you came along.

even though we nicknamed him Freddy the Narcoleptic tortoise, it was only to lighten the mood surrounding your fragile health as we tried to make you better with every effort we could manage.


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Sorry to hear of your loss but should you decide on a new friend, there plenty of folks here to help.


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:( It's so hard to put into words how I am feeling and what I want to convey to you. People that never owned a tortoise never fully understand how these shelled creatures can become such a huge part of our lives...and our hearts.

You worked so diligently and long and hard to save this little doom fellow. Give yourself a mega amount of credit for that. So many others would never have bother to.

The costs to you, and the huge one is emotional rather than financial, energy, or time. It's just it's easier to see and count the dollar and measure the time and even energy amount. Working steadily to keep him going, gave you an emotional commitment that even most tortoise owners never come to enjoy. Enjoy seems the wrong term, but yet it's pretty accurate. Your not enjoying the ending, but think of the wonderful moments and memories you hold now.

They say it's not how long you live, but how well and how much you leave behind. I think Mr Freddy McFredrickson filled his life well. How lucky he is, that even tho his body has stopped working, he is still very much a live in your heart and minds..and always will be.

How lucky the next tort will be. He will never replace Freddy, but will have the advantage of all the things you learned from Freddy.

It's pretty natural at this time to be beating yourself up and thinking of things you believe you "shoulda done", "coulda done", and then those "if onlys" pop up too. Well if your still in that stage, stop it! You did all you could. You did great by Freddy. Some things are just out of our hands to even start the battle. You gave him a chance, you gave him strength, you gave him your tears, and you gave him your love.


Yvonne G

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Oh Blair: I'm so sorry that Freddy didn't make it. I'm glad you've decided to stay on the forum, and hopefully all the knowledge you gain from reading about other's tortoises will help you when you decide its time to find another one for your family.



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blair, im sorry for your loss. im sure freddy is in the great dandelion field in the sky thanking you for all you did for him.


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Blair, I am sorry to hear about Freddy. Thinking aobut you.


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I'm sorry of your lost. "May the choir of angels, come to greet Frederick. May they speed him to paradise..." He will be there with many torts lovers who went before him. Just knowing that he no longer suffers and probably enjoys his new life with many new friends in heaven.



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Jan 23, 2008
I am very sorry for your loss.
Freddy was lucky to be with you. We all know you tried very hard..



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Blair, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Freddy and his Freddy cam will be remembered fondly by many of us. Bless you for all you did for him. I am sure once the pain lessens and the time is right, there is a lovely little tort out there that will just be waiting for your loving home.


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Jan 22, 2008
I am so sorry for your loss. As already said, Freddy is no longer in pain. Nobody could have done more than you did. It was just Freddy's time to go to heaven because He had a little girl or boy who needed a pet turtle.

When you can get past this pain, there are many Sulcatas who would love to have you as a parent.

God Bless


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I am so sorry for your loss!! I will miss him and his freddy cam...
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