F!@#$%^&*! Neighbors!!!!

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Tortoise Club
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Nov 22, 2009
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zzzdanz said:
I have the neighbor from hell!.An old timer who's the retired fire chief in the town I live in.I can't even walk out in to my back yard with out him coming out his back door to stare at me. company of mine the finger and he still has to stand and watch from his yard

Now I make a game of it.Go outside and wait for him (takes 10sec) to come running out repeat that a few times.I'ld swear he waits by the door to see me come

That's funny!

Maybe ask him aboout how far away you should build an outdoor BBQ or make him a face book page so he can get in touch with friends or a match.com account so he can get a woman.

Get him OCD on something else.


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Jun 11, 2010
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Rocklin, CA
Maggie- you cracked me up with the NASCAR bit.
Yvonne- wise advice as usual
Mightyclyde- you are blessed!


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Feb 3, 2010
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My nearest neighbors(about 1 mile away) had a thriving crystal meth lab.The local law enforcement turned a blind eye to it.(make of that what you will)Their house burned down.Problem solved.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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most meth houses tend to burn themselves down

Maggie Cummings

I am so sorry your neighbor is such an ***. Mine is also but not to that extent.
I picked a spot in a corner of my yard, on her side actually, and I dug dug dug until the dirt was soft and usable, then I started adding Bob poop to it. I dig it around every couple of days and it makes the best mulch with NO ODER...my jerky neighbor cannot smell it at all. Not only does it make the best mulch, there's no oder, and it makes worms that are hugh! One was so big I thought it was a baby snake. You might consider that...it's better than murder...


10 Year Member!
Jun 26, 2010
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zzzdanz said:
I have the neighbor from hell!.An old timer who's the retired fire chief in the town I live in.I can't even walk out in to my back yard with out him coming out his back door to stare at me and watch every move I make.

I was out of work for a back surgery (out for the same thing again now) about 3 yrs ago and he was taking pictures of me and the family in my back yard to give to the insurance company (I was on comp), I did nothing wrong.His pictures and video of me mowing my lawn ended up in court with the insurance company and where tossed out.

My little brother owns the house directly across the street from me so we walk back and forth to hang out or w/e.Walking across the street with a beer 1 day and here come 2 police cruisers.Neighbor called them and told them we where drinking in public and intoxicated.Being the ex-firechief he of course knows all the cops.

Sitting in my work truck in front of my house installing a new radio and here come the cops again.Step out of the truck, DUI...I didn't have the keys to the truck how was I driving?..Thank god I got out of that.My street is a circle in a culdesac..no traffic except for the mail man.I lost track of how many times the cops where called.

Well I know cops to Mr.Neighbor who video tapes over the fence into my yard where my teenage girls are laying out in bathing suits.I skipped the town cops he has at his command and called the State Police who spoke to him about video taping under aged girls.

I haven't seen the cops since then go figure, but I've seen him give company of mine the finger and he still has to stand and watch from his yard to see what's going on over here.He has never in 5yrs said 1 word to me, always everyone else.In my younger yrs. I would have been over the fence and ended it but getting to old for that.

Now I make a game of it.Go outside and wait for him (takes 10sec) to come running out repeat that a few times.I'ld swear he waits by the door to see me come out.

He's even had the Enviromental people from the state here telling them I was clearing wet-lands!....A tree fell over in my yard that I was cutting up.Except for myself and my Brother the rest of the neighborhood is elderly people and I figure he just doesn't like younger people moving in...He'll flip in his grave when I buy his house before his dead body cools.

Wow! I would think that you could get him for harrassment. I live in an apartment and thought I had crappy neighbors, guess having a house isnt much different?


5 Year Member
Jan 18, 2010
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Forgot about this thread...This summer wasn't bad,only had the cops over a half dozen times,and the Wildlife people walking around my yard.You'ld think they'ld knock on the door first.

My oldest graduated this year so we had a cook-out.Within a half hr. or so of people getting here, here come 2 cruisers.This cop comes up my drive way like some neanderthal and says to me *who's the F'n home owner*..well that would be me,and if you'll get out of my yard now I'll gladly talk to you out in the street.

Who do you think you are talking to me like that I say to him..*well I didn't realize you where the home owner, I thought this was a kids party*..well it is,so in your eyes,you can come her and talk to 1 of my kids like that?..Moron.

Well we got a call of loud music and underage drinking.Well there was no music on, and there definately wasn't any kids drinking.So I got the ..*well if we have to come back, we'll have to ask you to end the party*..Well officer Moron, I know my @#$%^ neighbor is the one that called you, and I know he'll call back because he knows you'll do that.It's not gonna happen!..I don't care if you come back 10 more times and have some steak and chicken.

They already ruined my daughters grad. bash, so I said to hell with ya.Now this cop starts running every lic plate number in my driveway..w/e..have at it, and don't forget the 2 trucks across the street, those are mine too...Off they go to the neighbors for a chat, and I never saw them again.

Wildlife, who I guess just goes where ever they want when they want are walking around my back yard.Out I go..*who the hell are you and what are ya doing in my yard?*..We got a call of animals being kept here and this isn't zoned for a farm.

Well, I have 2 dogs a cat, bird,iguana,and a redfoot tortoise.(they don't need to know about the 20+turtles in the basement)..Needless to say, they had no leg to stand on, and I'm sure they felt pretty stupid..off they went.

@#$%^neighbors are good entertainment anyways.


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10 Year Member!
Oct 9, 2009
Wow, I'm glad my neighbors are nice. My grandparents live to my left, and this nice couple and their kids who bought their parents house life to the right. I have a church to the front of the house and no one behind me.

I did get a laugh at some of your stories though. Some of them are quite ridiculous.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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Reminds me of an old saying , you can pick your nose but you can't pick your neighbors (or family)


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dmmj said:
Reminds me of an old saying , you can pick your nose but you can't pick your neighbors (or family)

I thought that went, "You can pick your guitar, and you can pick your friend's guitar, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose."

In my neighborhood, the sounds of kids playing (screaming) all day, and dogs barking all day, are welcome. Everyone's just doing their job, right? But the neighbors who party all night are not appreciated by anyone. No one, so far, has bugged me about my own pets/activities.


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Jun 11, 2010
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Rocklin, CA
I've always heard that saying as, "You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose. But you can't pick your friend's nose."


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Jun 25, 2010
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Have you ever thought about bringing him to small claims court for being a nuisance? I lived in a neighborhood were we had one neighbor who did this quite a lot of this stuff to a most of the people in the neighborhood. One of them was a lawyer and at a BBQ at his house the police showed up and did basically the same thing that the cops did at you daughter's cookout which was the last straw. He came up with this plan that night and six of us in the neighborhood brought nuisance cases against him we each filed a few days apart. The guy had to go to court for six times and lost four of them and $5000 each time he lost. After that he put his house up for sale and moved a few months latter. If your guy torments the other neighbors I think this idea might help you rid yourselves of this guy.
I am not one for lawsuits, but in a case like this it is the only way to stop idiots that want to rule their neighbors.


5 Year Member
Jan 18, 2010
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I'ld love to see him get dragged into court,unfortunately,he knows everyone.The court is in my town and he is buddy buddy with all the higher-ups in town.

I did however send a letter to the Mayor that the new $60,000.00 Police cruiser that the tax payers covered and they had to have,sits in my neighbors driveway for 2 or 3 hrs. a couple times a week.Town cops aren't allowed to take cruisers home, so it's on patrol.

I saw the cop driving that car sitting over there eating dinner,hanging out for over 4hrs. 1 night.Cops working hard as usual I guess.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Cfr200 said:
Have you ever thought about bringing him to small claims court for being a nuisance? I lived in a neighborhood were we had one neighbor who did this quite a lot of this stuff to a most of the people in the neighborhood. One of them was a lawyer and at a BBQ at his house the police showed up and did basically the same thing that the cops did at you daughter's cookout which was the last straw. He came up with this plan that night and six of us in the neighborhood brought nuisance cases against him we each filed a few days apart. The guy had to go to court for six times and lost four of them and $5000 each time he lost. After that he put his house up for sale and moved a few months latter. If your guy torments the other neighbors I think this idea might help you rid yourselves of this guy.
I am not one for lawsuits, but in a case like this it is the only way to stop idiots that want to rule their neighbors.

That is fantastic. Love this story. Feel bad for whoever he moves next to, though.


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Jun 25, 2010
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Springfield, Mo
None of us ever got paid by him, so we all put liens on his new house, that might keep him under control. I should really check on that maybe I have some money coming to me, this happened in 1994 and I have moved about 6 times since then.
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