Dieg seems lethargic

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5 Year Member
Mar 8, 2011
Hi guys,
I'm a little wrried abut Diego today, although he's eating he doesn't seem as active as he usually is.
Last night he was vey energetic, and was still awake at 7pm, he was climbing at the walls of his huse, wanting to come out. He usually des this when he needs to go to the toilet. I don't think he likes doing it in his house. S i got him out, and he roamed around the house, being very michevious! However this morning, When i went to see him, he usally walks over to the side of his house or chases your hand when you put food in his dish, he didn't this morning, he just eat his leaves and went t sleep under one of his trees. I got him out before too eat sme dandilions and he jus stayed still, i had to hand feed him his leaves. So i bathed him and again he was very still. I ut him back in his house with some leaves, which he is currently eating. But he just doesn't seem himself. Is there anythin to worry about?

any feedback would be greatly appreciated,

Lauren and Diego :)

Terry Allan Hall

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Any change that drastic should be considered...if it lasts more than a few days, I'd take him to the vet.

How much sun does Diego get? How often?


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5 Year Member
Mar 8, 2011
Terry Allan Hall said:
Any change that drastic should be considered...if it lasts more than a few days, I'd take him to the vet.

How much sun does Diego get? How often?

Since I posted he seems to have perked up a little bit, perhaps he was just tired after staying up later than he usually does yesterday. I'll keep a close eye on him though. His heat lamp cmes on at 7am and goes ff at 6:30 pm, and whn the weathers nice I'll put him outside for and hour or two. I think we've had the last of summer now though. :(
Thanks for your quick reply.
much appreciated.
Lauren :)


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he could be tired, since his routine changed. BUT letting him roam around the house on the floor is frowned upon. Its colder,, and there is not telling what he may find and try to eat or eat.. that may not be good for him.
If he is still eating. i wouldnt worry too much, but they hide stuff very well.. give him a good soak and just let him do his own thing today..

Terry Allan Hall

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laurenanddiego said:
Terry Allan Hall said:
Any change that drastic should be considered...if it lasts more than a few days, I'd take him to the vet.

How much sun does Diego get? How often?

Since I posted he seems to have perked up a little bit, perhaps he was just tired after staying up later than he usually does yesterday. I'll keep a close eye on him though. His heat lamp cmes on at 7am and goes ff at 6:30 pm, and whn the weathers nice I'll put him outside for and hour or two. I think we've had the last of summer now though. :(
Thanks for your quick reply.
much appreciated.
Lauren :)

Glad he's looking better. :cool:

Wish we were running out of summer...it was 106F yesterday, down from 113F Sunday...

Should start cooling off in another month or so... :(


The Dog Trainer
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Where are you and what species?
Here in Southern CA we've had a "cold spell" roll in. Mornings have been cool and overcast and high temps have only been into the high 80's or low 90's. The sudden cool spell could have something to do with it.
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