can poop be to big?

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Dec 6, 2012
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el cajon ca usa
Here's some back groung my baby is about 2.5in and eats mostly grass & spring mix I give him dandelion and clovers 1or 2 times a week and mazuri like once a week.
He poops regularly every day or every other day but they are always huge. they are almost as long as he is every time.
He doesn't seem to be in pain but it takes him like 15 min to poop. He will poop alittle then walk around for a while then do it again. So is it possible that his poop is too big? And if so how do I fix it?

Also he twitched in his sleep idk why he's done it since I got him and doesn't seem to have any issues. He doesn't do it when he's awake but he twitches all the time when he sleeps. It there anything wrong?


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You think his poops are big now. Boy, just wait until he's older. I have a leopard and he poops the same way. Except he doesn't walk around as he poops in the sink during his soaks. They do seem large for their size. Pretty normal. The twitching, I remember about a year ago or so, someone asked about that. Wondered if their tort dreams. Of course no one can really no if they dream, but the twitching was pretty normal. Now if it were to get worse, more like a seizure, and he did it while awake, then I would be concerned.


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I can say that Cooper does have some poop that he has trouble getting out from time to time. He will raise up and down, wiggle back and forth, and when it comes out I am just shocked at the size. When I see this I always try to get him in the bath to try and hopefully help him get it out, or I hope that by being in the water it may help ease the pain if he is indeed having pain from the monster poo! :)


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Hehe I know their poops get huge but I just didn't thing it was supose to be one long huge poop.
He doesn't just walk aroung and poop he walks around and eats and some times I think he even falls asleep while he's pooping

And he never does it whiles he's awake so I'm thinking he's ok


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looneybug said:
Hehe I know their poops get huge but I just didn't thing it was supose to be one long huge poop.
He doesn't just walk aroung and poop he walks around and eats and some times I think he even falls asleep while he's pooping

And he never does it whiles he's awake so I'm thinking he's ok

LMAO, now that's talent. Walk, eat, sleep while pooping:D


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He's a talented little dude lol that's actually why I think it doesn't hurt cuz he just keeps doing what ever he normally does.
I put him I water when ever I see him pooping but it really doesn't help much.


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That cracked me up! Tort sleeps while pooping.. priceless!


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my leopard does this. my sulcata poops pretty big, but that leopard is ... wow! when i soak him, he constantly poops and it's usually as long as he is, or longer. i have to usually change his water several times during the soak. he does occasionally poop in his enclosure as well, but mainly in his bath. my sulcata poops a lot more in his enclosure than the leopard does. he does poop in his bath too, but it usually takes a long soak for him to do it. if i soak shorter than 1/2 hour, most of the time he won't go. but, i clean out poop out of his enclosure on a daily basis and it's long too, just not as long as the leopards. aren't they funny creatures?


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Dec 6, 2012
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el cajon ca usa
Haha ya well I guess he's ok then :) I was getting alittke nervous that he might get hurt but I think he's gunna be fine thank you all for the help.
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