Can I possibly get guesses on what the sex of my sulcata is?


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Dec 27, 2013
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Here are the pics


Any information is greatly appreciated! I love her already! I am talking to my husband about the best kind of tortoise building for her for when it warms up in Georgia. Does anyone else here live in GA? DO any of you have suggestions of the best way to heat a small tortoise house and the best kind of tortoise house? Also, Can someone tell me the type of thermometer i need that will check the temps? I hear you can buy them on ebay but do not know what they are called. Please, forgive me- I am learning and trying to do what is best for him/her. I am so thankful I found you guys here!

Yvonne G

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I don't think you're going to get any different answers than the one you received on your introductory thread. The tortoise is female, and that's what Shelly (mctlong) told you on the other thread.


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Dec 11, 2012
Female, and u can buy temputure guns at home depot. I heat tortoise shed with oil Feiffer electric heater. And a pig blanket(heat pad) and a small for day time. In nj


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Dec 27, 2013
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Thank you! I am actually meeting my parents at home depot in a minute and will check out the temperature guns! It was not that I doubted Shelly, I just wanted to see if others felt the same way. I have seen in several posts where several people had different thoughts and thought I would see if that was the consensus! Argus, I will also look into those- thank you so much!! It is all very much appreciated!


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Sep 15, 2011
Posh: I live in GA as well! If you'd like to, you can send me a PM and we could talk more!


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Dec 27, 2013
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I am so excited to have a female- Really, I would have been excited with male or female but because my children and i keep referring to her as a "She." I meant to look at the thermometers and forgot- I was helping my parents with something and was focused on what they needed. Good thing they are right around the corner from me! Omg- I sent you a PM! I am excited to find someone in GA with me and see what you do to house your babies! Tom, I LOVE your housing!! My husband is an electrician - maybe he can build me something fancy schmancy like that! I have been trying to gather as much info as possible on housing so that I can try to get it right the first time. Right now she is inside but I really can not wait to get to see her grazing in the back yard, etc.. I was told by the person I got her from that she likely is too little to have full roam of the yard so I will likely build a large area for her to be safe in until she grows a bit. I am just so excited. I sit in the room she is currently in and talk to her for hours and feed her. A lot of people seem to think I am odd. My brother in law told my husband the other day "Why would she want that kind of pet!!! Who gets a turtle as a pet!?" Well, this person gets one! As A child I kept box turtles but I am now aware keeping them in GA is illegal if they are native, even when purchased and I settled on a sulcata. Thank you again for all of the information! If you guys think of anything else i should know feel free to message me! I am busily reading all I can! Tom- I had actually already read both of those links you posted but I like to re-read to see if I miss anything!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I think it is very hard for anybody who has not been around a tortoise to not understand what we see in them. If they have soft fur, could wag their tail everytime we came home and purr, it would be much easier. Once you have been touched by a tortoise your heart is forever their's.


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poshpoodle said:
I am so excited to have a female- Really, I would have been excited with male or female but because my children and i keep referring to her as a "She." I meant to look at the thermometers and forgot- I was helping my parents with something and was focused on what they needed. Good thing they are right around the corner from me! Omg- I sent you a PM! I am excited to find someone in GA with me and see what you do to house your babies! Tom, I LOVE your housing!! My husband is an electrician - maybe he can build me something fancy schmancy like that! I have been trying to gather as much info as possible on housing so that I can try to get it right the first time. Right now she is inside but I really can not wait to get to see her grazing in the back yard, etc.. I was told by the person I got her from that she likely is too little to have full roam of the yard so I will likely build a large area for her to be safe in until she grows a bit. I am just so excited. I sit in the room she is currently in and talk to her for hours and feed her. A lot of people seem to think I am odd. My brother in law told my husband the other day "Why would she want that kind of pet!!! Who gets a turtle as a pet!?" Well, this person gets one! As A child I kept box turtles but I am now aware keeping them in GA is illegal if they are native, even when purchased and I settled on a sulcata. Thank you again for all of the information! If you guys think of anything else i should know feel free to message me! I am busily reading all I can! Tom- I had actually already read both of those links you posted but I like to re-read to see if I miss anything!

I so love your excitement in your post. I can see you gleaming with delight. :D. I'm so happy for you.
Most people don't understand our love for tortoises and turtles. That's okay, we can't all be weird like them:)
Enjoy your great forever shelled family member. Always remember, we on this forum, understand the tortoise/turtle love.:)


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Dec 27, 2013
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Jacqi, I even post videos of her on Fb and how she comes running to eat and how she does not mind me petting her. How can you not love them? I bet they will be jealous when she gets big and they see her interact with me more by hopefully coming when i call her or she sees me with her favorite foods!

I remember my box turtle and how he would allow me to pet him and would follow me around. He was the best pet ever. He would come running for food as well. I am a stay at home mom and spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer time and we even eat outside often. I feel she is just another member of my family! Now, I do have two dogs- one is far too interested in her so I will have to take precautions about that the other one is not so interested but I would rather be far more safe than sorry! My poodle is not just overly interested in her she also is very jealous of her- those two things combine = bad stuff! So I will have to put some kind of cover like chicken wire over the outdoor enclosure- my poodle can jump really high and I know it would not keep her away with just a wall built. Since i do have some time before we start the build or buy something to insulate and keep her in in the evenings, etc.. then I am trying to gather as much info as possible. My husband suggested a house that he build with a lift up lid to do cleanings. I think I prefer a larger house that I can stand up in but he said it would take less to heat a smaller house. Just doing homework for now!!


Dec 13, 2013
poshpoodle said:
I am so excited to have a female- Really, I would have been excited with male or female but because my children and i keep referring to her as a "She." I meant to look at the thermometers and forgot- I was helping my parents with something and was focused on what they needed. Good thing they are right around the corner from me! Omg- I sent you a PM! I am excited to find someone in GA with me and see what you do to house your babies! Tom, I LOVE your housing!! My husband is an electrician - maybe he can build me something fancy schmancy like that! I have been trying to gather as much info as possible on housing so that I can try to get it right the first time. Right now she is inside but I really can not wait to get to see her grazing in the back yard, etc.. I was told by the person I got her from that she likely is too little to have full roam of the yard so I will likely build a large area for her to be safe in until she grows a bit. I am just so excited. I sit in the room she is currently in and talk to her for hours and feed her. A lot of people seem to think I am odd. My brother in law told my husband the other day "Why would she want that kind of pet!!! Who gets a turtle as a pet!?" Well, this person gets one! As A child I kept box turtles but I am now aware keeping them in GA is illegal if they are native, even when purchased and I settled on a sulcata. Thank you again for all of the information! If you guys think of anything else i should know feel free to message me! I am busily reading all I can! Tom- I had actually already read both of those links you posted but I like to re-read to see if I miss anything!

You know what? I talk to my babies for hours on end too! In fact, my boyfriend is extremely jealous bc I pay them more attention than him. But I think they like it and they know you and your voice! I think it's great!


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Dec 27, 2013
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Thank you! When soaking her yesterday I tried to get a soft bristled tooth brush to get all the crud off of her. No such luck! She did not like me messing with her skin but was ok with her shell being scrubbed. How does everyone else get their babies so clean! I know she does not being dirty but I would like to clean her up more!


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Hi, and I'm so excited for you! I can remember how I felt when I got my first two sulcatas. A friend had full grown sullies and one day, 18 babies came out of the ground! I got two of them. Turned out, they are both males. Oh oh, well, I took care of that after I learned that two sullies don't usually get along. Anyhow, you only have the one, and she's a female.

Tom has multiple threads, including the ones I have below my name. I really, really need you to read the first one since you have a dog that's jealous. Even the other dog that doesn't seem to bother with your tortoise is a danger. I don't think chicken wire is gonna hold back an animal (dog, raccoon, possum) from breaking through that wire. I use cement blocks, not to keep dogs out, but to keep my tortoises in :p

There are many great ideas here under the topic of enclosures. Best to you. BTW, I live in the panhandle of Florida, not far from the Georgia line. Where in Georgia are you?


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Dec 27, 2013
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I live in Henry County , Georgia. About 30 minutes South of the Atl , Airport. I will read Tom's thread! I do know that my poodle IS a threat to my tortoise! I do want to keep her safe! I do also know that while the other one shows no interest that could change at any time! I am going to read it and see if there are any good recommendations on keeping pets out but still allowing tortoises natural sunlight!

Thank you again so much! I am super excited about her!

Ok, I read it and felt sick! Poor, poor tortoises! Gracie, my poodle is very ,very interested in them! Not too long ago my lab wemiraner mix attacked my poodle- I never saw that coming. I still do not know why she did it! Have had the lab mix since she was a puppy. Almost rehomed her for fear that she could attack my children but we have kept her thinking it may have been aggression over a hidden bone. I guess I will never know. My poodle is like one of my children but there is no way she is going to be allowed near my tortoise! Right now my tortoise is in a glass enclosure- just until we build a shed and weather picks up. The other night my poodle jumped from my lap (I was sitting on the floor in front of the tortoise enclosure) and butted the glass with her nose. She was trying to get my tort! I quickly scolded her but it just reinforced what I already knew. Sadly, she nor the other dog can be trusted! My daughter has guinea pigs in her room and I have ot have her keep her room closed at all times because Gracie will make a snack out of a piggie!

Sadly, I am reminded of a great dog we had but has since passed. Molly was a great dane and we had a pet parakeet. The parakeet was in her cage and Molly was not aggressive at all. We came home one day to the bird cage still closed and Molly eating Clark- the parakeet. I have no idea how the parakeet escaped but Molly did in fact eat the parakeet. It was horrible! My son was 5 at the time and went around telling everyone our dog ate his bird. It was AWFUL!!!! Animals have instincts- we can not change that. We can train them but they will always have instincts! It is our job to keep them all protected!


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There are some threads in my signature about outdoor housing for you.


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Dec 27, 2013
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Thank you, Tom!! Can anyone tell me what you use for indoor and outdoor humidity gages? I am not sure of the best way to find out what my humidity is and what I should try to keep it at. Or, if there is a thread with both of those infos I would love to read it. Thank you guys!


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Jenblalock003 said:
poshpoodle said:
I am so excited to have a female- Really, I would have been excited with male or female but because my children and i keep referring to her as a "She." I meant to look at the thermometers and forgot- I was helping my parents with something and was focused on what they needed. Good thing they are right around the corner from me! Omg- I sent you a PM! I am excited to find someone in GA with me and see what you do to house your babies! Tom, I LOVE your housing!! My husband is an electrician - maybe he can build me something fancy schmancy like that! I have been trying to gather as much info as possible on housing so that I can try to get it right the first time. Right now she is inside but I really can not wait to get to see her grazing in the back yard, etc.. I was told by the person I got her from that she likely is too little to have full roam of the yard so I will likely build a large area for her to be safe in until she grows a bit. I am just so excited. I sit in the room she is currently in and talk to her for hours and feed her. A lot of people seem to think I am odd. My brother in law told my husband the other day "Why would she want that kind of pet!!! Who gets a turtle as a pet!?" Well, this person gets one! As A child I kept box turtles but I am now aware keeping them in GA is illegal if they are native, even when purchased and I settled on a sulcata. Thank you again for all of the information! If you guys think of anything else i should know feel free to message me! I am busily reading all I can! Tom- I had actually already read both of those links you posted but I like to re-read to see if I miss anything!

You know what? I talk to my babies for hours on end too! In fact, my boyfriend is extremely jealous bc I pay them more attention than him. But I think they like it and they know you and your voice! I think it's great!

I talk to mine and even named the groups. The juvenile box turtles are the dudes, the baby box turtles are the little guys, the leos are the boys and the sulcatas are the Buddies, lol. The Outdoor russian torts are the Guys but I don't see them anymore. They are sleeping this winter away.


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Sep 15, 2011
Hahaha! I've earned the name "Nerdle" over the years. Since early highschool (about 7 years ago) I had aquatic turtles, and then about a year an a half ago I fell in love with Sulcatas! All thanks to my local reptile store that allows their Ivory female to roam around the shop. I'm not sure I would know about them if I hadn't seen her.


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Dec 24, 2013
Re: RE: Can I possibly get guesses on what the sex of my sulcata is?

omgdoubletacos said:
Posh: I live in GA as well! If you'd like to, you can send me a PM and we could talk more!

Me too near savannah.

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