Baby Sulcata is Sick


New Member
Oct 18, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Houston, Tx
Hey guys, up until recently (two days ago), my 3 month(ish) old sulcata, Jimmy, has been active and eating well. He has not been as active recently and I read that the coil bulb I had been using was probably one of the causes of his distress. It has been a day now since I changed the coil UVB bulb to a zoomed MVB with little luck. He still has not even looked at his food.

I have been bathing him once a day for 15 minutes since I got him, but these past two days I have given him baths in a baby carrot food mixture for 30 minutes followed by a 15-minute bath in warm water. I have seen him poop in those baths, but his food is still untouched so its probably from a meal earlier this week...?

He is kept in a 2' by 2.5' box with plastic around it to keep the humidity around 82. His basking temp is around 100 and the ambient temperature is never less than 80. He has a CHE for the night time temps which does not get below 80. This weekend I was planning on moving him into a kitty pool so he can have a lot more space than he has now.

If things do not get better by Friday I am going to go to the vet but I want to know if there is anything I can do that will help boost his appetite and activity. Your help is much appreciated, thank you!


New Member
Oct 18, 2017
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Houston, Tx
I have been feeding him organic spring mix with some grass sprinkled on top. Calcium every Tuesday and Thursday.


The Dog Trainer
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All your care and conditions sound good. Diet needs more variety, but that wouldn't cause the issue you are seeing.

Where did you get your baby and how was the baby started? Dry routine on rabbit pellets being fed nothing but romaine and soaked once a week, if that? Was it outside in the sun all day in some warm climate? Or was it kept on damp substrate, mostly indoors and soaked daily?

This is most likely what is going on:

If this is the case, there is nothing any vet can do. Since your care, temps and hydration routine has been all good, there is really nothing a vet can do in any case. They will likely do a vitamin injection, or a calcium injection and charge you hundreds of dollars. If the baby's kidneys were damaged due to early dehydration, there is nothing anyone can do to save it. All you can do is hope for the best. Continue give it the correct temps and daily soaks and hope you have one of the ones that will pull through. Some of them make it and some don't.

After you read that thread, I'd call the breeder, ask some questions, and let them know what you've learned. They usually don't think it is their fault because the babies die weeks or months later. It IS their fault, and someone has got to tell them.

By contrast, here is how they should be started:


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Aug 15, 2017
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Have you been able to record weekly weights?
Most cases of hatchling failure happen before the tort is 50grams from what I've seen.


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Oct 18, 2017
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Houston, Tx
Thank you, Tom, I am unsure of how he was started because I was gifted him as a birthday present. However, I will try to do some research to find out who started him and how as I eagerly wait to see if he recovers.

Yvonne G

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If the eyes have been burned by the light, it will take a week or so for them to start feeling better.


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Oct 18, 2017
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Houston, Tx
I have and last I checked he was 41 grams, has not grown since I got him so he is probably around the same.

Hutsie B

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I hope he starts eating soon for his and your sake. I have had some turtles go this way in the past. My only suggestion would be to try a food he would go completely gaga over hopefully, like pumpkin or squash. An orange squash, not the soft yellow squash, or try a cactus pad cut up in small bites. If none of this helps I don't know what to tell you. Good luck and keep us posted.

Hutsie B

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How is your baby doing now?


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Oct 18, 2017
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Houston, Tx
He is still hanging on. I am a bit skeptical to say that he is on the mend, but from what I have seen (him eating, pooping, moving, etc.) he is definitely doing better than before!


New Member
Oct 18, 2017
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Houston, Tx
Unfortunately, the little guy didn't make it :( we did everything we could but he wasn't doing too well. He ate a little bit but soon after started not eating again and passed away just yesterday. I ordered another baby from Arizona Sulcata with hopes that buying from an experienced breeder would have a way better outcome. Thanks everyone who gave their advice and support, wish it would have worked out for the gut but it is what it is. :/

Big Charlie

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Unfortunately, the little guy didn't make it :( we did everything we could but he wasn't doing too well. He ate a little bit but soon after started not eating again and passed away just yesterday. I ordered another baby from Arizona Sulcata with hopes that buying from an experienced breeder would have a way better outcome. Thanks everyone who gave their advice and support, wish it would have worked out for the gut but it is what it is. :/
I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad you're trying again.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Unfortunately, the little guy didn't make it :( we did everything we could but he wasn't doing too well. He ate a little bit but soon after started not eating again and passed away just yesterday. I ordered another baby from Arizona Sulcata with hopes that buying from an experienced breeder would have a way better outcome. Thanks everyone who gave their advice and support, wish it would have worked out for the gut but it is what it is. :/

I'm sorry your little one didn't make it.

If you are ordering from Austin @Arizona Sulcata , you will have a strikingly different experience with the new baby. He starts his babies very well and I have seen nothing but compliments, praise and success from 100% of the people who get babies from him. WIth this new baby you will have a different "problem": How are you going to house and feed this giant, healthy, growing, thriving, eating machine??? :p

I wish you good luck and happy torting for the new year!

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