Advice to help complete my enclosure

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Feb 20, 2012
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Hey I just finished enclosing my tort table. It's about 6.5x2.5 feet. I have one 160 watt powersun bulb and a 260 watt che. Under the mvb it's around 106, the warm side stays around 85-90, the cool side stays between 75-80. At night it's around 85 under the che and 75-80 everywhere else. Not sure of humidity in there but there is moisture on the plastic so its probably high I'm guessing.

It's pretty bare inside right now only have a couple rocks for eating and basking and a water dish. Gonna grow some grass inside and a couple hides. Have a question, do I need to have a humid hide if the whole enclosure is humid? The substrate is a mix of organic top soil and Eco earth about 2-3 in think. Don't have a tort yet but I'm planning on getting a sulcata when I'm confident in my setup.


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I have two half logs for hides. I try to keep one dry and one damp. However with the higher humidity, the dry one is hard to keep dry:(. I have then put a piece of flat rock under it with dry moss on top of the rock. Works better on keeping a dry hide. I don't think you need a humid hide though. I just am trying to give my leopard the option.


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kibow said:
Hey I just finished enclosing my tort table. It's about 6.5x2.5 feet. I have one 160 watt powersun bulb and a 260 watt che. Under the mvb it's around 106, the warm side stays around 85-90, the cool side stays between 75-80. At night it's around 85 under the che and 75-80 everywhere else. Not sure of humidity in there but there is moisture on the plastic so its probably high I'm guessing.

It's pretty bare inside right now only have a couple rocks for eating and basking and a water dish. Gonna grow some grass inside and a couple hides. Have a question, do I need to have a humid hide if the whole enclosure is humid? The substrate is a mix of organic top soil and Eco earth about 2-3 in think. Don't have a tort yet but I'm planning on getting a sulcata when I'm confident in my setup.

my buddy has some hatches for sale right now he lives in Dryden MI of Sulcata's and u can go and pick out if u havent found 1 yet.


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You do need a hide, humid or not. With your higher humidity you might just start with a hide. My little ones would not use the humid hide but instead slept under the silk folage. They have their Favorite spots and always return to them. They sleep on oppisite sides of the hot side and they prefered spots that have differant grounds temps. I keep a high Humidity of 85%+


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Feb 20, 2012
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Has anyone made their hides? The half logs are nice but there expensive. Tho with how much I spent on the enclosure I doubt that it matters. I was thinking about using paver bricks, two small ones for the bottom and a larger one for the top. Maybe one outa wood? For the grass I am gonna grow I'm thinking about using plant trays and swapping them out to keep a constant supply of grass (if he does eat it). Thanks Matt but I've been talking to Austin about his sulcatas.


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it depends on what look you want.. I know people have used flower pots turned on thier sides or cut in half, cardboard boxes, tupperware containers, bricks, wood, plants,,,,,,


The Dog Trainer
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I still use humid hides in my closed chambers. Upside down black dishwashing tubs, make it very easy. Plastic shoe boxes are good too. I would worry about wood rotting or pavers being too abrasive.


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Feb 20, 2012
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I am using a plastic tupperware container with a lid filled with eco earth on the cool side. On the warm side I was thinking of maybe making a rock hide. The pavers would only be used for the sides and top. So like tom was saying to abrasive for him. Dont want him to be sanding him shell down everytime he crawls underneath it. There are some large slate stepping stones at home depot but when I break them in half to use on the sides I know slate gets really sharp so maybe those wont work. Another ideas? I have plenty of room to add more entertaining things if anyone has any sugestions.
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