sexual behaviour

  1. B

    Uncharacteristically active hyper 13 year old African Spur

    Hi guys. So Iv had my African spur thighed tortoise since she was a baby. She is 13 now. In that time she’s had a Number of enclosures but for the last few years she’s been living happily sharing the home with me with her base being in the kitchen with easy access to all rooms and the garden...
  2. F

    Male Russian tortoise sexual behaviour

    Hi everyone, This is a really strange question but I’m looking for some advice! I will be getting a baby Russian tortoise soon and I want a female but I know that tortoises are very hard to sex when they’re very young. I’ve become really worried that I might end up with a male due to all the...
  3. lightningrob

    Male redfoot in heat - help!

    It's been an interesting summer to say the least. Our boy Patty (thought it was a girl when we adopted him as a juvenile 8 years ago) seems to have reached either puberty or adulthood and is looking for love in all the wrong places, trying to mount everything within reach. Shoes, feet, bags of...
  4. ClydeSheldon

    Best “companion” for lonely male?

    Hi all, Clyde is a 33 year old redfoot who has always had a very active libido! He prefers shoes, unfortunately. Has anyone discovered good substitutes for their males? It would be great to have a dedicated “toy” for him so my shoes are spared. Any ideas are welcomed! Thanks!!
  5. Brimstonefox

    Sexual behaviour in juvenile Hermans

    Hi, My 3 month old Hermanns have been displaying some behaviour that seems to be sexual (see video). Is this sexual or bullying and should I separate them to protect the object of the advances?