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  1. Tortx2

    Breathing issues

    A few weeks ago I took Watson my Hermanns to the vet for labored breathing. He also whistled when he breathed some of the time. He got antibiotics for two weeks. It's been a week since his last injection. His breathing looks better, but he still whistles. Does he need more time to heal or...
  2. Tortx2

    What type of Hermanns??

    I recently got two Hermanns tortoises. Can someone tell me which of the Hermanns they are! Thank you
  3. Tortx2

    Respiratory infection question

    How long after starting antibiotics for a respiratory infection before you start seeing/hearing improvement? We went to the vets last week but I was just curious what the timeframe usually is. Thanks
  4. Tortx2

    Coco coir question

    I got a large brick of coco coir but it doesn't say how much water to use. How much water do you use per pound of dry coco coir?
  5. Tortx2

    General care questions

    I just recently adopted two and am working on getting a larger enclosure built. In the meanwhile unwanted to make sure I'm keeping them as happy as possible in their temporary home. They are currently in a Rubbermaid tote with cypress mulch and sand for substrate. I'm going to get rid if the...
  6. Tortx2


    I just recently adopted two tortoises. Their shells are not smooth. I am working on getting them set up properly now but want to know if there is anything extra I can do to reduce the pyramiding. They are at least 7 years old already if that makes a difference. Is the pyramiding of their...
  7. Tortx2

    How much space

    How much space should I plan for two Hermanns tortoises for an indoor enclosure? I live in the Midwest US so they will get outdoor time until winter. I just got them last week but already want to build them a great indoor pen to replace their current home. I'd appreciate any help in knowing...
  8. Tortx2

    New owner of Russian tortoises

    Hi. I'm a new russian tortoise owner. I adopted two from an friend who was getting rid of them. They don't have names yet. She never named them:(. I'm looking forward to getting them settled in and set up right. Any lighting information would be appreciated especially. I look forward to...
  9. Tortx2


    Hi all, I'm a newbie to the tortoise world but wanted to say hello. I am the proud owner of two russian tortoises. An old aquaintance wanted to get rid of them so I adopted them. They are at least 7 years old already and I think a male and a female. I'm already looking at how to...