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  1. VaderWS6

    Sulcata Update! (Pictures)

    Lookin good man!
  2. VaderWS6


    Awesome! Isn't Squirtle the Pokemon turtle creature?
  3. VaderWS6

    Am I feeding my Sulcata hatchling correctly?

    Surprisingly, my hatchling loves grass now! I fed it a pile of 3 different types today, every last bit of it gone! :cool:
  4. VaderWS6

    Am I feeding my Sulcata hatchling correctly?

    Thanks for the advice! Especially on the chopped grasses, will get to it asap.
  5. VaderWS6

    Am I feeding my Sulcata hatchling correctly?

    This is my Sulcata hatchlings current diet: 50% white, red, and dino clover 40% dandelion leaves 5% African elephant bush leaves 5% wild strawberry leaves It just won't eat any type of hay or grasses. Is this diet ok? I sprinkle calcium carbonate powder over its food about 4...
  6. VaderWS6

    Sulcata LOVES red clover I guess its fine to feed to our torts, no oxalic acid. I only feed my Sulcata hatchling white clover, red clover, dino clover, dandelion leaves, African elephant bush, and occasionally wild strawberry leaves. The main plant its diet is dino and white...
  7. VaderWS6

    Sulcata LOVES red clover

    My Sulcata eats a lot of white clover, but I just recently started growing massive amounts of red clover indoors. He absolutely goes nuts over the stuff!! Practically inhaling it. Anyone else feed their Sulcata a lot of red clover?
  8. VaderWS6

    Cleaning your sulcata

    My Sulcata is still a hatchling, but I clean it up after every soak. I mostly just make sure the underside is clean, and wipe its rear with a wet paper towel. After the soak, I pour water over its shell & head, just to get any accumulated dust off.
  9. VaderWS6

    Where to buy a tortoise

    Talk to Eric at Empire of the Turtle. Great guy to deal with, and beautiful captive bred specimens! -nevermind, I just saw you're in London. :-P
  10. VaderWS6

    Red clover for Sulcata?

    I've been feeding my Sulcata regular white flowered clover since it arrived (along with various other greens), and came across red and dino clover seeds at a local seed store. Are these types of clover ok to feed? Here is red clover : It...
  11. VaderWS6

    supplemental calcium

    Yeah I wouldn't purchase the already powdered aragonite, but purchasing aragonite sand and pulverizing it yourself will be a lot cheaper than purchasing any calcium carbonate supplement at the health food store. You would end up with so much of it though, it would probably be a better idea for...
  12. VaderWS6

    supplemental calcium

    What about using ground (powdered) aragonite reef sand? Its pretty much pure calcium carbonate, along with major and minor trace elements.[hr] Nevermind, looks like Caribsea has already created an aragonite based calcium supplement for reptiles ( waaaay overpriced though ;) )...
  13. VaderWS6

    Best Website For Sulcata Info

    This website has some good basic info
  14. VaderWS6

    Adoption Complete!(pics)

    Congrats! Great looking Sulcata! :cool: Got any videos?
  15. VaderWS6

    Video of my Sulcata hatchling!

    Man I love this thing! :P
  16. VaderWS6

    My new Sulcata arrived!

    Thanks guys! :) I haven't named him/her yet, still working on that! I was thinking Soup, but we'll see :P
  17. VaderWS6

    Well known Sulcata breeder?

    Hey thanks! I bought mine from Empire of the Turtle in Florida. If anyone wants an extremely healthy Sulcata hatchling, definitely contact Eric on his website. I can't believe how vibrant and full of energy this tortoise is! :)
  18. VaderWS6

    My new Sulcata arrived!

    My Sulcata hatchling arrived today in perfect shape! I can't believe how much it eats! I soaked it for about 15 minutes when I took it out of the box, and within an hour of exploring its new surroundings it began eating everything! :D It chomped on everything that is planted in the terrarium...
  19. VaderWS6

    Well known Sulcata breeder?

    Ya know Meg, you really just need to get over it. Do you constantly have to bring a dark cloud to my posts/threads? I mean no harm to anyone on this forum, I appreciate all the great information I obtain from the forum, and hopefully I'll be able to soon share my tortoise experience with others...
  20. VaderWS6

    Kentucky import law?

    Have any of you heard of this Kentucky import license/fee? I don't get it, I order live fish, invertebrates, coral etc a few times a year, and have never heard of this. I'm trying to purchase a Sulcata tortoise from a place in Arizona. I placed...