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  1. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    Before yesterday I put the tortoise in some water and put it on top of a working washing machine (vibrations etc) for a short time, even after taking it out of the water, splashed some water on her back etc, after a while/some hours she started pushing just alittle and pooped some there is still...
  2. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    yes, as you might know the tortoise is injured and she never ate by itself only drank water when I got her, started force feeding her etc I can get prickly pear fruit/palm and try to feed her, I avoid feeding her alot because she is constipated for a long time now +2weeks I think this problem...
  3. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    the tortoise has been constipated for the last 2 weeks doesn't eat as usual and now stopped drinking water , I gave it some pumpkin 2 times gave it one drop of olive oil , put it in warm water etc but nothing worked.. im feeding her every 3-4 days now just alittle to not make things worse I...
  4. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    Unfortunately I'm not. tried to order from amazon but the cost of shipping is very high +40-80$ Don't worry I'm not planning on doing that !! that's why I tried to explain what's wrong with the tortoise
  5. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    alright thank you for your help, I might ask for ciprofloxacin .. that's a good option too but you should know a few things the tortoise is injured and I have to spray/clean the wounds, has puffy eyes can't open them only opens 20% of one side, it doesn't eat (had to force food in her mouth)...
  6. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    im not sure if a doctor (here) can give me an antibiotic that will work for reptiles let alone the correct dose... I tried searching here/google I found some antibiotics like BYATRIL (Enrofloxacin) helps, but I can't give my tortoise a random antibiotic for random symptoms, I found this website...
  7. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    The top crack was deep enough to show the flesh I think, there was oozing that looks yellow like melted fat, the sides I can't remember how deep it was and I can't check it since it looks like it's healing/not super hard. the tortoise can move it's legs and hide them if I try to touch them...
  8. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    guys as you can read in my first post, taking the tortoise to a vet is not an option, if it was I would have done that before coming here. @ShirleyTX no good or bad news the tortoise is still not eating + eyes closed 20% of one eye opens if she gets enough sun. I'm thinking of force feeding her...
  9. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    the tortoise is still alive, I try to avoid putting it in the sun for mere minutes because she doesn't like it, whenever she is in the sun and tries to open her eyes she starts to scratch them over and over, eyes are only watery when she tries to open them, too much/some heat makes the turtle...
  10. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    here is a pic of the most injured side
  11. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    Is there anyway to feed the turtle or anything, he didn't eat for 14 days now + feels like he has no balance when he tries to move only rotates
  12. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    He is still in the same state since we found him, he only opens his eyes (20%) these last 2 days and that lasts for 20min or something, he didn't eat for 13 days..
  13. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    Alright I will do that right now. Is it safe to use tape water (has chlorine), + the bottom sides of the tortoise are injured
  14. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    Put the tortoise for an extended time in sunlight today and she opened her eyes halfway for like 20min but didn't eat and slept after that
  15. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    I have him in a box I change the paper towel everyday , no uvb lights, since it's sunny where I live, I leave him 5-20 min in direct sunlight while keeping an eye on him because he gets uncomfortable sometimes after that I leave him in his box where there is alot of sunlight (NOT direct...
  16. H

    [HELP] Injured Tortoise

    Hello everyone. My family found an injured small tortoise on the side of the road (rural area) probably got hit by a car in Sunday 10 June The first thing they did after bringing it home is apply AUREOMYCINE 1% on ALL the injured parts. -After 1 or 2 days I applied Iodine to all the injured...