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  1. Coco517

    Musk Turtle Not Eating!!

    My musk, Pokey, is a four year old female. Her water temp is 72-76, her basking temp is in the 80s. She has UVB and heating. Her diet is varied. Her water has no nitrates or nitrites. About a month ago, she stopped eating. I took her to the vet and they diagnosed her with septicemia...
  2. Coco517

    Sheldon and Coco

    They’ve perfected the art of ignoring each other.
  3. Coco517


    Hey guys, I adopted a leopard tortoise (Sheldon) with bad mbd. He lives in an indoor inclosure where he gets lots of supplimented food with calcium and other nutrients (he was in a home where he got only spinach and the rare strawberry for years) but he loves to go out and graze in the yard for...
  4. Coco517

    Hey guys!

    I’m the proud owner of a 3 year old musk turtle, Pokey. Right now, I’m doing my best to rehab a leopard tortoise with mbd that is pretty far progressed. The poor guy had no light, cedar as substrate, and was fed spinach for several years. I’m doing everything I know how to, right now it’s just a...