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  1. Cheeky monkey


    Does my tort need too be sleeping on the heated mat??
  2. Cheeky monkey

    Plants help!

    I'm no garden expert, and would properly feed it the wrong items if it wasn't for my mum who gives me a Little advise but we don't know all there is too know! What everyday plants do Herman torts eat??
  3. Cheeky monkey

    Hibernating (Brumation)

    I'm new purchasing a tortoise, and am really scared about hibernating! What do I do? Any tips? How long? What age? Etc
  4. Cheeky monkey


    I'm trying out new weeds and plants from my mums garden too put into my tank, doesn't like some of them! Any ideas of what girl Herman terrorises eat plant or weed wise??
  5. Cheeky monkey


    Is there a way of making my tort enclosure hotter at night, I'm using a towel too keep in the heat, but it doesnt look too flash, obviously I want my tort to be happy, and not cold!! Any ideas? It is really warm in the day, cold at night What do I do??
  6. Cheeky monkey


    He doesn't like weeds (1 type) what do I do?
  7. Cheeky monkey

    Is the sand in my tank too deap??

    Walking Tortoise seems too be dragging when she walks Is this common? Is it caused by the depth of sand??