Recent content by tortsofsorts

  1. T

    Sub-adult male Hermann's... extremely picky eater or wrong diet entirely?

    Thanks for the info, Tom! I've been feeding him the recommended ZooMed grassland pellets, but I'll definitely make a note to switch the freeze-dried veggies for leaves. I'll also make sure to get some cuttle bone in there for him!
  2. T

    Excess little flies in Hermann's enclosure

    Hi all, I'm currently keeping my sub-adult male Hermann's in a wooden indoor enclosure. It's laid down with fine bark bedding for him to dig through, with some pieces of decorative wood jutting out from the floor. I keep his feeding dish full all the time. There's always veggies and grass in...
  3. T

    Sub-adult male Hermann's... extremely picky eater or wrong diet entirely?

    Hi all, I'm currently keeping a sub-adult male Hermann's tortoise. I've had him since last fall, and he's just great. However, I do have a few questions about his diet. I was told by the previous owner he was fed fresh fruit daily (strawberries, mangos, etc). To my knowledge, his diet was far...