Recent content by TortitudeLove

  1. TortitudeLove

    Mercury vapor bulb & light fixture

    Where did you hear about them lasting only 3 months? I've seen clamp lights such as that in store but they never mention ceramic, only porcelain.
  2. TortitudeLove

    Mercury vapor bulb & light fixture

    I know the recommendation here is the MVB. I've read people get them at home improvement stores cheaper than pet stores. I've gone out to a few and none of them had ceramic sockets. Isn't that critical for a MVB? I see porcelain sockets sometimes. At one store today, I saw a MVB that was skinny...
  3. TortitudeLove

    Happy Fourth of July weekend, everyone!

    Happy Independence day! My torti handles fireworks much better than my guard dog. Thanks to all who keep us safe.
  4. TortitudeLove

    Lighting 101

    Yep, Clyde is Russian. I love the two options you gave me. #2 seems the best bet for his current accommodations. He has glass walls (I know I need to get a border up to prevent his attempts to walk through walls.) Are there any brands to avoid or must buys? The store didn't specify age, but's...
  5. TortitudeLove

    Lighting 101

    I am very new to the tortoise world. I read a lot about the different lighting fixture/bulbs around. It is all very confusing since there are many different opinions. I am a pet store victim it appears. I have a zoo med double dome fixture 100watt basking bulb and red bulb for night time heat...
  6. TortitudeLove

    My tortie doesn't wear fur.

    My tortie doesn't wear fur.