Recent content by thetortmom

  1. thetortmom

    Worried about coil fluorescent bulb...

    I also feel like I should mention that we inherited our tortoise when my mother passed away. He belonged to my little brother and I think that much of his life he was cared for incorrectly. We are trying to do our best to give him the best life possible. He's become quite important to me and I...
  2. thetortmom

    Worried about coil fluorescent bulb...

    Thanks everyone for all the helpful advice! I'm thinking I'll go with a MVB. It looks like the 100w is the preferred choice? He gets put outside in the summer every now and then, but now that we own our own home we are thinking of making him a pen in our front garden. We are located in MD and...
  3. thetortmom

    Worried about coil fluorescent bulb...

    We have been using a coil UVB bulb for our Russian for awhile now. However, with everything that I've been reading on this forum I've unplugged it and went into a total panic! We have been using this bulb for about 6 months now and haven't noticed any ill effects from it. He still runs out to...
  4. thetortmom

    Seeking hatchling of small tortoise breeds

    Thank you so much for the reply! Yes, they will definitely be housed separately. My boyfriend has plans to build a large double tiered table for them. Until the little tort is bigger, he will be kept in a smaller enclosure- that way we can keep a good eye on him. I have seen a lot of people post...
  5. thetortmom

    Seeking hatchling of small tortoise breeds

    Hello all! I currently have an adult Russian Tortoise and I'm looking to add another Russian, Greek or Hermanns to our family. We inherited our tortoise from a family member, so we are very curious to raise a hatchling and see its personality develop. With that being said, we have never had a...
  6. thetortmom

    Hello, I was wondering if you had any hatchlings left :) looking to add another to our family!

    Hello, I was wondering if you had any hatchlings left :) looking to add another to our family!