Recent content by LuvToGoFast

  1. LuvToGoFast

    Looking for a Filter Recomendation

    Hello everyone, I have FINALLY set up my larger tank for my RES, It is a 40 gal breeder tank. I am looking for a filter recommendation, I have a Exo Terra Flo 350 that I am using now from my other tank, will i need more? I was thinking of a hang on tank canister of some kind. I don't want...
  2. LuvToGoFast

    RES tank smell

    I searched for an answer to this, but couldn't find one. I have one RES(about 4") in a 10g tank. I know it is too small but it will be a month before i can get my 55g setup up and running. He has been in the tank for about a 2 months, and the tank has an unpleasant odor that comes and goes. I...
  3. LuvToGoFast

    Hello Everyone

    He is about 4 inches long and is currently suffering in a 10 gallon tank, while I build a stand for the 55 gallon setup.
  4. LuvToGoFast

    Hello Everyone

    It was the opinion from a coworker! Her father had has box turtles, and some RES too, and offered me one!
  5. LuvToGoFast

    Hello Everyone

    Hi, I have recently adopted a young Red Ear Slider, and since this is my first turtle, I'm sure that I will have many question to follow. We are located in the north east USA. Michael