Enjoying papaya

Enjoying papaya

My reds loved papaya! But the next day their poop was a little looser and they seemed to poop MORE! Papaya=POOPAYA! :D
Hi Christina: Are you feeding them with the peel on the papaya? I peel the fruit before giving it to my little guys, because I wasn't sure if it would hurt them. Some plants and fruits lists I've read detail-out each fruit and plant saying stuff like, "OK to give fruit but not seeds or roots...etc..." I do know papaya and mango naturally occur in the South American habitat where these rf's come from, but I'm not sure about the varieties- so it was awesome to see this picture.

Also- your guys in this pic look very flat and wide. My first baby is turning out very flat and wide like this, and then the two little rescues we just adopted look very tall, narrow and have distinct humps at their scutes (totally aside from their start of pyramiding- they are simply more humped looking than our first rf baby- like yours, flat and wide.)

I just read on a different thread that this is a function of region and gene pool, so it's very comforting to see other rf's from your herd who look like my baby Gibby- thanks for posting!
@Mantissa3 they actually could care less about the skin! :D But yes, they don't have very tall shells, they're still very small like the size of a potato! That's neat how they are different regionally!

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