My Hermann's Tortoise Won't Stop Biting Feet/Shoes!


New Member
Aug 18, 2016
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Los Angeles

So I have a Hermann's tortoise that is roughly 5 years old, and he has gotten into the habit of going after shoes and feet - he bites my dogs feet, my dad's, everyones'.

It doesn't hurt, but it really pisses off my family, so I was wondering if there was any way to "train" him or make him stop? I think it does have something to with agression and maybe even him wanting to mate, but he gets even more agressive when you move the shoe away and comes after the person who removed it!

It's kinda funny, but again my family has started becoming real annoyed. Any advice on this subject would help; it is getting bad

General info that may help: He has an indoor cage he sleeps in, and typically he walks around the larger downstairs of our home; but since it's summer we are beginning to take him outside more and more. We can't build an outdoor enclosure, since 1. I am afraid he will be alone too much and 2. We don't have the time/ know how etc and 3. My family doesn't want to spend more $ on him

Any help appreciated

Ps yes I know you can't train tortoises like a dog, but you get what I mean :p


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Welcome to the forum!
You should never, ever let your tortoise walk around or free roam your house, and you certainly shouldn’t have him living down there. It’s too cold, and so, so many bad things happen. It is not at all healthy for your tortoise, and extremely dangerous. He needs a large, properly sized, HEATED enclosure that he can stay in 24/7.

Tortoises do not get lonely, so being alone would not be a problem.

The best solution to your problem? Don’t let him have access to your feet. In fact, he should never even be where he can get to feet unless it’s outdoors.

Please give these a read-

Russian Tortoise Care Sheet

Beginner Mistakes

You’re tortoise needs a minimum enclosure size of 8x4 feet. A good option is to build a tortoise table, or an outdoor enclosure.

Could we see a picture of your tortoise and enclosure?


New Member
Aug 18, 2016
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Los Angeles
Welcome to the forum!
You should never, ever let your tortoise walk around or free roam your house, and you certainly shouldn’t have him living down there. It’s too cold, and so, so many bad things happen. It is not at all healthy for your tortoise, and extremely dangerous. He needs a large, properly sized, HEATED enclosure that he can stay in 24/7.

Tortoises do not get lonely, so being alone would not be a problem.

The best solution to your problem? Don’t let him have access to your feet. In fact, he should never even be where he can get to feet unless it’s outdoors.

Please give these a read-

Russian Tortoise Care Sheet

Beginner Mistakes

You’re tortoise needs a minimum enclosure size of 8x4 feet. A good option is to build a tortoise table, or an outdoor enclosure.

Could we see a picture of your tortoise and enclosure?

Oh I think you misunderstood, he has a sizeable indoor enclosure where he sleeps and eats, and sometimes lounges if the weather is cold. He "bangs" on this when he wants out and since we live in California it is usually very sunny and warm even inside, he sunbathes and everyone here is very cautious not to step on him, also he can get snacks we give him. I don't want to cage him up for the rest of his probably very long life. It's unconditional sure, but it works for my lifestyle and he is safe. Building an outdoor enclosure might not be possible right now for him. His cage is three feet long, and 1.5 feet wide and of course has walls that are also 1.5 tall


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Feb 20, 2016
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Lewisville, Texas
Oh I think you misunderstood, he has a sizeable indoor enclosure where he sleeps and eats, and sometimes lounges if the weather is cold. He "bangs" on this when he wants out and since we live in California it is usually very sunny and warm even inside, he sunbathes and everyone here is very cautious not to step on him, also he can get snacks we give him. I don't want to cage him up for the rest of his probably very long life. It's unconditional sure, but it works for my lifestyle and he is safe. Building an outdoor enclosure might not be possible right now for him. His cage is three feet long, and 1.5 feet wide and of course has walls that are also 1.5 tall

Definitely misunderstood a bit yes. However, that is still definitely not an okay enclosure size, and you still should not be letting him roam your floor. They do not bang when they want to “come out”. They bang on the enclosure when it is much too small, and they want to find more territory. It is extremely selfish to put an animal in an enclosure not even a sixth of what it needs, because it “works for your lifestyle”. That is the equivalent of locking your child in your bedroom because you don’t want to put the effort or time into childproof your house.

Tortoises roam miles upon miles in the wild, and not only does being in such a tiny enclosure shorten their lifespan, but it leaves them with muscle and bone weakness, obesity, and makes it much harder for them to digest food because they need to be able to move large distances to help digest. Your tortoise is not going to live as long as he should when you’re keeping him like this.

When you got a tortoise, you also got the responsibility of caring for it, and making sure that it not only survives, but thrives. You absolutely do need a proper sized enclosure, and we can help you build one. Believe us, it’s not very hard, and we can help you build it.


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You just don't want to have peoples feet in proximity to your tortoise...

  • “and typically he walks around the larger downstairs of our home” - is this where the issues are happening?


Well-Known Member
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Apr 11, 2018
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Hi and welcome! Sounds like you love your tortoise but you need to make some changes for him to thrive and live the best. His indoor enclosure is very small. It should be 8’x4’. Unless you keep your downstairs very warm, it just isn’t what he needs. A free roaming tortoise is an accident waiting to happen. He needs an area all his own with a basking spot to help him digest his food. Your home is not going to be warm enough for that. You said he is just now starting to get some time outside. Do you have a UVB light for him all those other months he is stuck inside? Also, when you do take him outside, is it a secure enclosure. It only takes a few minutes for them to disappear. Also, your dog and tortoise should not have contact with each other. That is a dangerous situation for your tortoise. We are just trying to help you and your tortoise is our top priority on this forum. You can search the forum for quick and easy outdoor enclosures to get you started. Can you post pics of his living conditions?


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Aug 18, 2016
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Los Angeles
We are about to add more timothy hay to his cage today so I can post pictures after that. Our backyard isn't enclosed enough, he would get lost, so when he is outside we follow him very closely. Inside his cage he does have a UV lamp. I really resent being called selfish, I understand all of you are trying to help, but coming on a little softer would be much more appreciated and better recieved. I'm not saying we keep him in a small cage because it "works" for my lifestyle, I'm saying that is the reason we cannot build an outdoor enclosure as of now. I fear making an outdoor enclosure would just make him distant and forgetable, but I am not sure. We have a large backyard, Idk where to put one since we'd have to dig pretty deep in the ground for the fences


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Jun 10, 2017
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You can use cinder blocks or even a large kiddie pool. There are many pictures on here in the outdoor enclosure thread. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. Not sure if you’re of age to work or not but if so maybe save half and ask your parents for help with the rest. Also, don’t be offended it’s just free roaming tortoises are in danger indoors. And dogs even worse. Tortoises don’t get lonely nor want companionship. Stick around and read up. You have a lot of changes to make and plenty of support here!!


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Aug 18, 2016
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Los Angeles
Any suggestions on outdoor enclosures that can keep birds away as well? Maybe a "chicken wire" type top or something? I know he won't get lonely, I just am attached him in my room and around. And to the dog thing, they are afraid of him and run away when he is near, so that is all good

Will post picture when done cleaning cage


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Any suggestions on outdoor enclosures that can keep birds away as well? Maybe a "chicken wire" type top or something? I know he won't get lonely, I just am attached him in my room and around. And to the dog thing, they are afraid of him and run away when he is near, so that is all good

Will post picture when done cleaning cage
Here is what we did for our Russian tortoise. We also put the wire under the enclosure so he couldn’t dig out. It has a lift up lid that is covered with wire.


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The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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This is a tortoise forum. Everyone here cares about the welfare of tortoises. There is a lot of incorrect info floating around out in the world and many people make the same mistakes for similar reasons. In the days before the internet, we would all make these same mistakes, learn the hard way at the expense of our animals, and then not make that same mistake again. With the invention of the internet and forums like this, people can learn from the mistakes of others and not make the same mistakes themselves.

You are making several mistakes that are life threatening for your tortoise and we are trying to help you realize this before it is too late. The intention is to save your tortoises life. I don't intend to upset you, insult you or make you feel bad. I intend to make you aware of these problems and save your tortoises life.

  1. 18x36" is on the small side to start a baby hatchling in. It is much too small for a juvenile or adult tortoise. Your tortoise needs something much larger for its indoor enclosure. I recommend 4x8', but just go as big as you can. If you only have room for a 3x6, that is better than the 40 gallon tank you are using now. A sheet of plywood, some screws and some 2x12 boards is not expensive. Neither is a kiddie pool from Walmart.
  2. You tortoise is not a grass eating species. There should be no hay in or around its enclosure. The substrate for your tortoise needs to be damp and hay will mold.
  3. Your tortoise should never be loose on the floor or loose in the yard. Everyone whose tortoise dies because of this thought it was totally safe and was sure they were supervising. This will eventually lead to disaster. Stop doing it. This will also solve your biting problem. Put the tortoise either in its indoor enclosure or its outdoor enclosure and keep the people out of the tortoise's space.
  4. Dogs should never have access to the tortoise. They are scared and run away today, but tomorrow they might decide to use the tortoise are a chew toy. This happens all the time. Do a search here and you'll see. Every tortoise owner who has had this happen was sure that the dog would never do such a thing and they were sure they were supervising and they were sure it was safe. It isn't. Don't do it. You cannot have your tortoise unchewed once it is chewed up. Don't let this happen. Keep them separate at all times.
  5. Your tortoises behavior is normal for a maturing male. There is no way to stop it, or train the tortoise to stop it. I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone else who has a biting tortoise problem: Its a tortoise. Move out of the way.
Here are some cheap and easy enclosure ideas:

We are not trying to lecture you. We are trying to warn you and prevent another disaster. This is a conversation. Please feel free to respond and ask questions, but please don't get all mad, leave the forum, and continue risking your tortoise's life in these ways.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
@Tom Oh sorry if I came off mad, I'm just worried about being dislike. I'm very grateful for all your and everybody else's help :)
You didn't at all. But sometimes other people do when we all start telling them they are doing the wrong things. We just want to help, but some people take offense and leave in a huff. It does your tortoise no good if my words offend you, so I try to be tactful, diplomatic and not seem to harsh. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail.


New Member
Aug 18, 2016
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Los Angeles
You didn't at all. But sometimes other people do when we all start telling them they are doing the wrong things. We just want to help, but some people take offense and leave in a huff. It does your tortoise no good if my words offend you, so I try to be tactful, diplomatic and not seem to harsh. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail.

No you seem really nice, everyone does. I am going to make this a summer priority, Munch will get his own area soon! I am excited to build an enclosure.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
No you seem really nice, everyone does. I am going to make this a summer priority, Munch will get his own area soon! I am excited to build an enclosure.
You mentioned money before, so we can try to help with money saving tips. Can you find any old cinder blocks or scrap wood. An enclosure does not have to be expensive.


New Member
Aug 18, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Los Angeles
You mentioned money before, so we can try to help with money saving tips. Can you find any old cinder blocks or scrap wood. An enclosure does not have to be expensive.

I bet I can, but my biggest concern is heat lamps - I am not sure where in the garden (if I choose to put him outside, which I'd like to since we're in Cali) I would plug them in, so I'd have to search for those plugs. I am sure I could find wood, what type of wire do you use for the top to keep birds etc. away


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I bet I can, but my biggest concern is heat lamps - I am not sure where in the garden (if I choose to put him outside, which I'd like to since we're in Cali) I would plug them in, so I'd have to search for those plugs. I am sure I could find wood, what type of wire do you use for the top to keep birds etc. away
This cost me all of $40, but I'd advise a wire top, my tort almost escaped


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The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
I bet I can, but my biggest concern is heat lamps - I am not sure where in the garden (if I choose to put him outside, which I'd like to since we're in Cali) I would plug them in, so I'd have to search for those plugs. I am sure I could find wood, what type of wire do you use for the top to keep birds etc. away
You don't need heat lamps outside. Keep him inside when outdoor temps are too cool or too hot. If someday you want to build a big enclosure hand make a heated night box, you won't need heat lamps anyway. For now, you can just move him in and out as needed.

Birds are not a problem for any tortoise over 4-5 inches here. If you are worried, you can make a cover like in those threads I linked for you. I live out in the country up near Magic Mountain and we have vultures, ravens, crows, and several hawk species. No problems.