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New Member
5 Year Member
Jan 26, 2012
Just wondering if anyone has experience with this because i dont want to keep bothering the vet haha i was giving zeke a food mix with water twice a day for a couple days and these shots every 72 hours for his dehydration....the vet said he had a 50 percent chance to make it and i cant tell if he is getting better??? He still isnt that active and he really hasnt been eating...i thought it was from being full from being force fed so i stopped doing that and its been 2 days and he still hasnt ate..i realize this is not a good sign but my theory is he was really sick from not having water that he will take awhile to recover?? Does that seem right or do u guys think this is a bad still????


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Apr 10, 2011
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I think that you need to take a breath ;) and remember that tortoise do everything in slow his recovery will not be it is best that you continue to be diligent and keep hydrating him and keeping him warm and make sure he has some sustenance in his belly and be patient and think positive :D Just my take....the others will likely be able to offer you their suggestions and sit tight :D

Maggie Cummings

For one thing, you pay the Vet so you CAN bother him...I would feed him every other day. If he is on Baytril or any strong antibiotic like that he won't have an appetite. Baytril takes away any urge to eat. But nutrician in super important, so you need to keep feeding him a little amount every other day. Don't stop feeding him. And Do keep up on the updates for us. Good luck with him, I'm sorry you have to go thru this, I know it's hard...

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Food moves through a tortoise system much slower than it moves through our systems. So when you tube feed a tortoise (I'm assuming that you are tube feeding?) you fill up their bellies and the food stays there for a couple days. It might be best if you feed a little less and make it every other day instead of a full belly every day. I have a desert tortoise that I've been tube feeding for almost a year now. She just sits there and hardly ever moves. I'm not going to give up on her though. She still has a bright, beady look in her eyes and I'm giving her every chance to live. I only tube feed her every 3rd or 4th day. Be sure to keep this tortoise at least 80F degrees.
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