OK I am stumped!!

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5 Year Member
May 15, 2011
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Georgetown, TX
Since Friday, I have not been able to get Gypsy to eat any greens or fruit. Now he is eating the plants from the enclosure, but I am not convinced that this is enough. It will eat the Zoo-Med Box turtle pellets mashed...but I hate to think that I might be starving it. I gave it two small Dilly Worms on Sunday, to which were gulped down. I gave it a good soak today and Gypsy was a little active for a bit and then went and hid in the hide.

Am I doing something wrong or is this normal? It is in an outside enclsoure...I am afraid it might be too cold although the temperature is in the low 70's at night and high 80's in the day.

Yvonne G

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Hi EJ:

Sometimes they hold out for something they think they like better. Because you said she gulped down the worms, I'm thinking she's holding out for them. Don't give in. Continue to offer what you're supposed to offer and if she doesn't eat it, then she goes hungry that day. She won't starve.


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May 15, 2011
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Georgetown, TX
Ok thanks....I have not and will not give into the worms. She has been eating on the pothos leaves from the plant that is growing in the enclosure. I will keep on doing what I am doing, I am sure she will come around.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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We are talking a red foot right? my red foot sometimes will stop eating greens for a few days or a week with no explanation, then all the sudden start eating them again. No clue as to why but he will start eating again and act like nothing happened. I usually wait him out, might throw in an extra hibiscus flower or two ( maybe why he does it), or an extra snail here and there.


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May 15, 2011
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I had some brussel sprouts in the frig...I mashed it flat and put it in the enclosure and she seemed to like that. Yes, Cherry Head RF


5 Year Member
Sep 21, 2010
It's so hard not to give in to those little beggars when they look at you and seem to be saying "why are you holding back the good stuff? I know you have the worms, fruit, and Mazuri."


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My Cherry Head Pio, hasn't eaten now for 3 days. We had some warm weather and she was outside for a few days. Her garden is loaded with worms, slugs, and pansies.....all the things she loves best. She had a feast for two days, and now that I brought her inside, she is sulking. She will do this when she has her protein day, and she gets boiled chicken and some worms......her favorite thing in all the world. I still offer her greens, but at the end of the day, when they have not been eaten and dried up, I just take them out. As long as she is still eating the things she likes, I wouldn't worry.


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May 15, 2011
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Georgetown, TX
Thanks everyone... I am not giving in and I not giving up. I will just keep offering her the greens....she will either eat them or suffer until it is protein day.

Kind of like sending a child to their room with no supper.....:(


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Feb 15, 2008
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Keep in mind- these things have REALLY low metabolisms, and there are many well-documented examples of adults just plain not eating for over a month and being perfectly healthy afterwards. Deb Moscovitz documented a burrow with several Red-foots inside that were trapped by a big male that was completely blocking the opening, and did so for over a month. None of the torts inside seemed stressed by it.

They can go a long time without food, but will still crave things like sweets and fats (kind of like us, huh?) If it was REALLY hungry, it would eat pretty much anything around.

On the other hand- most animals are pretty smart about how to basically train you to give them 'snacks'. They quickly learn what triggers you to reward them with a tasty treat. Be strong! Don't reinforce this training!


5 Year Member
Mar 4, 2011
My largest does this all the time. They are all on the 7 day rotation and she can now hold out through both greens days waiting for the fruit or protein....
This does lead to a question - when they do this - do you still stick to the 7 day rotation? Or do you go to the "you can't have desert until you've eaten your greens" approach? I have been sticking to the rotation - but this is beginning to mean she pretty much only eats fruit and protein ....
Related: do flowers really count and fruit or veg? She will eat hibiscus all day long ....
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