New Tortoise

Jan 15, 2014
Hi I'm new to this forum so I'm still trying to figure it all out Okay so I just recently bought two Baby African Spurred Tortoises and I wanted to know a little bit more about them as I have never owned any sort of reptile. I only have 6 dogs, a rabbit, and a cat but no reptiles. I currently have a heat lamp and a 10 gallon tank which I will very soon replace with a 40 gallon one. I feed them lettuce and occasionally carrots but for the most part I take them out for an hour or so to graze on the grass in my backyard which is pesticide free and to expose them to the sun as I know that they need UVA/UVB rays. I soak them every 2 days in warm water for about 15 minutes to keep them hydrated. Is there anything else I could do to help them be healthier? They are very active and seem to love climbing over rocks and logs. Overall they seem pretty healthy but any tips for their care that I should know? Any advice is great thanks![SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES][TURTLE]


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Welcome to the Forum and congratulations on your new tortoises. There is a section dedicated to Sulcata with lots of discussion about how to raise and care for this particular tortoise. I suggest you read this thread first for some of the tips that you are asking about. Hope to see you around.

Yvonne G

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Hi, and welcome to the Forum!

We have some very good reading for new Sulcata keepers in the "Important Threads" section right at the top of the Sulcata section.

I really doubt your new babies are eating any grass when you have them outside. They just don't seem to eat hay or grass until they're about 3 or 4 years old. So, ditch the lettuce and feed them some dark, leafy greens instead...collard, mustard, dandelion, raddiccio, escarole, etc.


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Hello and Welcome:). The 40 gallon won't last long for them. You might want to go with something cheaper and larger so it will last longer. They also need humidity. If they are really little, soak them every day and be sure to have a shallow water dish available to,them 24/7. Please read Toms threads below in my post for raising a smooth healthy sulcata.


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They really need to be kept in seperate enclosures. Soaking everyday twice a day for 15 -20 min. Lettuce and carrots are not a good diet. Try spring mix. Look into mazuri
Jan 15, 2014
Thank you everyone for the help![SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES] Really appreciate it![SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH][TURTLE]