New adjustments to enclosure really helped humidity

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5 Year Member
Nov 13, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
South Dakota
So when i went to the lumber yard to pick up things for the hatchlings tort table the other day... i also picked up some 1x4s.. i secured them around the tort table (total of 9)and stapled plastic all around and on top and it flaps down over the front. i can just lift the front part do my tort stuff :rolleyes: and pull it back down to fully cover his enclosure.. !!! this is awsome :D way excited that its working soooo well. im not gna have to spray the substrate as much(already have gone through 3 spray bottles in 2.5 months) or pour as much water in as often!!! the basking spot is at 101-105* the cool side is at 80* his humid hide is usually 82-85* and 80-90% humidity. and the general humidity in the encolsure befor i put the plastic all over was usually 40% and i just checked its at 67% and its not even been n hour :D im soo glad everything worked just as i pictured it.. now speaking of pictures my stupid camera phone wont take a decent pic.. the plastic is clear and so not showing up in the pic also my tort table is kinda big and i cant get the whole thing in one pic:rolleyes: but im goin to try after a while again to get pics posted!! now to plan the hatchlings plastic canopy!!!!!


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Tortoise Club
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Glad it worked for you. When I decided to go for the large totes with lids it made things easier for me also to keep humidity up.[/php]


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5 Year Member
Nov 13, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
South Dakota
Here are the pics i got one of it closed and one of it open( and even a peek of the hatchlings tort table to be) :p oh and i just checked the temp is 85* and humidiy was 77% :D :D :D i think i may have figured this out lol :)




New Member
5 Year Member
Nov 13, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
South Dakota
i just checked on it again its holding temps in the 80s on the cooler side and 98-103* in the basking spot and average of 84* in his humid hide. the humidity is 40-60% by his light and 65-80% in various spots in his enclosure. his humid hide is 80-90% humidity. we will see how warm it stays tonight. *fingers crossed* hoping it all works like it should...
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