Its a sad, sad day...

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Yvonne G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
VicMorgan was on her back when I went on my rounds last night. She was tight in her shell and no leg movement when I turned her back upright. But I figured (Hoped) she was ok, just stressed out.

But this a.m. she's still in the same place and upon further inspection, her eyes are sunken in. I'm afraid she's gone.

This really bums me out. VicMorgan is the only Manouria that is strictly mine. All the rest are mine and my partner's. I bought her as a hatchling and raised her up to this stage. She left me quite a legacy of eggs in the incubator. I'm hoping that at least one of them will hatch and she will live on.

Thursday night I went to the ER with pain that I thought was a diverticulitis attack, but it turned out to be a kidney stone. I was in the hospital Thurs night, Friday and came home Saturday afternoon. While there, they poked a hole through my back and inserted a needle and tube to drain the kidney...a temporary measure until I could get in to see my Urologist. So when I came home on Saturday, I really wasn't in any shape to do my evening chores, but I sent my daughter home and made the rounds on my own. I usually count all the tortoises to make sure each group is ok, so it was my habit to check on all of them...however because of the way I was feeling, I'm not sure, and I don't remember if I saw all of them Saturday night or not. She probably was on her back Saturday and Sunday. That's just too long for a large tortoise like that to be laying on her lungs, even though she was in the shade.

I just feel terrible. What a waste. This beautiful, 50lb animal, gone because I was too self-absorbed to make sure they were all ok.


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I feel sorry for your lose of a long term friend.

Stephanie Logan

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Oh Yvonne, that is a terrible burden for you to bear. :(

How sad to lose your beloved VicMorgan, I am so very sorry for your loss.

You must not blame yourself, you can't do everything and you were ill! You are a stellar role model of tortoise keeping for all of us at TFO, and you are entitled to make a mistake from time to time. I do hope one or more of those eggs will hatch to survive and grow into an exact likeness of its mother.

Now you must forgive yourself and rest so that you can recover your own health and be strong enough to care for all of those dozens of lucky, lucky creatures that rely on you as their Food Goddess.

Sending my best wishes and heartfelt condolences. :)


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thats very sad - om so sorry , but do not blame yourself and get well soon xxxx


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Jun 3, 2010
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So very sorry for your loss. I hope you feel better and get well soon.


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Don't feel bad Yvonne, you gave her a great life that any tortoise would appreciate. I hope you get well soon.


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emysemys said:
I just feel terrible. What a waste. This beautiful, 50lb animal, gone because I was too self-absorbed to make sure they were all ok.

That is not the case at all. You weren't feeling well at all. We all have those days. That is a lot to go through at the hospital. It was just some really bad timing. Do you know what caused her to go on her back? What can you do to learn from this and not let it happen to any other torts in the same area?

I am very sorry for your loss. She was a great tortoise, and I am glad I was able to see her when I came up.


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May 6, 2010
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Jeez Yvonne...I'm so sorry for your loss...we'll keep a good thought for you.


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Sorry to hear about the tortoise. It really sounds like a freak accident that you could not have prevented.


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This did not happen because of neglect, but that doesn't soften the blow you've received. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend... If any body of people can relate and sympathize, we can. My deepest sympathies.


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I am so sorry to hear about this Yvonne. Please take care of yourself. :)


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We take these animals in and many of us just do the best we can to provide what they need. Getting to know you, and some of the others here show how many people really care about these magnificent critters. What causes the upside down tort? I realize some of our tiny ones, it's just the environment we provide, I would think. But a 50 lb tort???
Has anyone else here had a large one need help to right them self?
I came home to my little Nougat upside down in his water. Lucky for me it was not too deep and he was find. But I am so curious as to why a big one would not be able to get right?
I am also very sorry you have to get thrown many things at once. Sometimes it just gets overwhelming.
Keep your chin up, we all care here.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
spikethebest said:
. Do you know what caused her to go on her back? What can you do to learn from this and not let it happen to any other torts in the same area?

Yes, the biggest female has been fighting with everyone. She has eggs to lay, but has her signals crossed. Instead of being in a nesting mood, she seems to be in a male breeding mood. She's tipping all the other tortoises over...pushing, shoving, biting, banging...its an awesome site to behold. The pen is huge, plenty big enough for the amount of tortoises in it, with sight barriers.

When I have time, I'm going to make a diagram of all my pens, numbering the tortoises in each. Next time someone has to care for the animals for me they will have the chart and will be able to make sure everyone is ok at the evening check-out.


The Dog Trainer
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Nay, I won't speak for Yvonne, but I have found an occasional adult upside down too. I've been lucky to not have experienced Yvonne's terrible tragedy. I found one of Cory's leopards upside down in the shallow water tub a few months back and I used to find my Scooter on his back in the summer sun before I separated my boys. These things just happen sometimes.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Nay said:
But I am so curious as to why a big one would not be able to get right?

These tortoises have a pretty high dome, and the high-domed ones are usually the ones that CAN tip back over. However, I'm always having to right one of them because of someone tipping them over. They're pretty aggressive breeders. Sometimes you can see the signs in the dirt, that they have been struggling for a while, and sometimes its all clean around them like they just lay there and wait for either death or help.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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sorry to hear about this after the good news of eggs being laid.


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Jul 22, 2010
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Oh Yvonne I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Dnt blame yourself hon. You were recovering from being in the hospital. It's a tragic accident.....that's all you should call it. She will be greatly and deeply missed.:( Take care and take it easy.


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Feb 21, 2010
Miss Yvonne......
My deepest sympathies for your loss
may you remember her fondly with love and happiness,
and your heart be freed from sadness in due time.
Though words, however gentle, cannot take your loss away, still may I give you a small smile in sympathy to help comfort you today…. You are an inspiration for a lot of folks , and a wonderful tort' keeper …Things will be brighter in days to come …..Get well and keep smiling ...
JD ~:)
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