I'm still worried! :-(

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Oct 3, 2011
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Suffolk, UK
Ok, so we've only had George the Eastern Hermann's tortoise for a few days now after he was found in someone's garden. He's on antibiotics for his bite wounds on his shell from a fox probably. I started worming him with Panacur today. It's so cold and windy here today that he hasn't been outside, and I'm concerned that he only seems to eat a little if he's outside and it's sunny, I've never seen him eat in his indoor enclosure. Indoors he has a Repti-Glo strip light, and Sun Glo bulb for warmth. Under the bulb the temp is 33c. He is just constantly attempting to escape, and ignoring the food! I'm worried. I weighed him and he's 393g, and about 5 inches in length. I just want him to eat! :(


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Aug 15, 2011
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Give him time, he'll get there. What have you tried to feed him so far? He'll still be stressed and trying to settle in, and he'll go for the food when he gets hungry enough. :)

You're doing right by him researching and learning. I know you've a lot to worry about with a tort that's been through what George has, but all you can do is your best and wait for him to recover in his own time. He'll be a stressed out guy but you're providing everything he needs. :)


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Oct 3, 2011
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Thank you. I gave him another luke warm bath today. He didn't wee in it or anything. He's not weed or pood for 2 days now. He did have one good munch of mainly dandelion leaves and some clover yesterday afternoon, but that's the last time I saw him eat. I've tried him with sow thistle, bindweed, chickweed, bramble leaves and plantain, but he won't eat any of those, I've only seen him eat dandelions and clover leaves. I've been really worried, I feel I'm stressing him more giving him his meds! :(


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You may well be, but he needs those meds and it'll help him in the long run.
Dandelion and clover are good foods - just feed plenty of those and try a few other things alongside. If all he eats is clover and dandelion, don't worry. He can move onto more variety once his meds are over, and as long as you leave him other options you're doing your best for now. :)


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Thank you very much, I will weigh him regularly. It's just been stressful, and I'm wondering if there's anything else I can do! I got some nutrobal powder on what he ate yesterday, so he's had a bit of that too!


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I'd not heard of those soaks, but I'm concerned about keeping his wounds clean at the moment, so would worry about bits getting in them.


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Hi....I would agree with your concerns on the baby food soaks, just at this time due to the open wounds....later that may be a good thing.

If you found him after an animal attack, remember he has been traumatized from the attack itself, then out in the open feeling in poor health and mental issues from the attack.....so, I would say if you are giving him plenty of places to hide, offering him food to partake of when he needs to, soaking him to keep him hydrated and clean, offering warmth and light...you are doing all of the right things...now it is simply up to good ole time....do not torture yourself by "feeling bad" for him....understand that you are doing what he needs to thrive and know he will come around...be the strong one as he is not able to be the confident strong little dude he will be...give em some time :D
IMHO that is...


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Oct 3, 2011
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Thank you very much. I am doing all of those things, so I am just praying he will be ok! Thanks for your help.


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Oct 3, 2011
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I'm very happy to say that this morning, I saw George have his 1st drink in his indoor enclosure! He didn't eat this morning, I think he gets stressed when I give him his antibiotics and wormer, and clean his wounds up. I gave him a warm bath before putting the antiseptic on his wounds. This afternoon, he has eaten had a munch on Dandelion leaves and a little white dead nettle. I was so pleased to see him eat! That's the 1st time I've seen him eat indoors. It wasn't a great deal he ate, but it's progress! :)


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*Amber* said:
I'm very happy to say that this morning, I saw George have his 1st drink in his indoor enclosure! He didn't eat this morning, I think he gets stressed when I give him his antibiotics and wormer, and clean his wounds up. I gave him a warm bath before putting the antiseptic on his wounds. This afternoon, he has eaten had a munch on Dandelion leaves and a little white dead nettle. I was so pleased to see him eat! That's the 1st time I've seen him eat indoors. It wasn't a gret deal he ate, but it's progress! :)

Glad to hear it. :)


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Oct 3, 2011
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Thank you, I've been so worried about this little guy! Does anyone know if they enjoy having their necks rubbed gently? He used to shoot his head in, but he lets me do it now. I always talk to him, so I hope he is getting to know me now.


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Tiago likes his head and chin scratched/tickled....
Great to hear he is doing well! :)
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