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Apr 15, 2010
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terryo said:
I lost a good friend that I've had for 22 years because she misinterpreted the meaning of my post on someone's face book page. That's it for me. Most people I know who are on face book only go on to spy on other people. I hate face book now.

That's why I only go on there for games.


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Apr 6, 2009
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i just found joined the tortoise forum on facebook.

Cameron Young


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terryo said:
I lost a good friend that I've had for 22 years because she misinterpreted the meaning of my post on someone's face book page. That's it for me. Most people I know who are on face book only go on to spy on other people. I hate face book now.

I am seeing the bad side of Facebook lately. I'm sorry this happened to you :(
There has been so much drama in my group of friends lately and people just get pissed at things they see on FB. I'm considering deleting mine (maybe temporarily?)
Plus I'm always interpreting things the wrong way- Facebook really isn't a good thing for me to have, ha.
I am kind of nosey though and I like finding things out :rolleyes:


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Neal Butler said:
I'm on facebook, but I really only go on there to play Farmville.

Don't lie, Neal.... I have inside access to your Facebook page. You get on there to keep tabs on old girlfriends. It's ok, I do it too.


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Wow, really, people actually take Facebook THAT seriously, that they are getting into fights and breaking up friendships over it?

I talk to my friends, play games, and make funny status quotes. It sounds to me like the "drama" is coming from people flat out being over-dramatic. Generally people like that bring their own trouble no matter where they are. Sheesh.

I friended a few people, now I am not sure if that was a good idea. I typically post my drinking escapades on there, and it might color your opinions of me.... :p


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TylerStewart said:
Neal Butler said:
I'm on facebook, but I really only go on there to play Farmville.

Don't lie, Neal.... I have inside access to your Facebook page. You get on there to keep tabs on old girlfriends. It's ok, I do it too.

lol, they all blocked me. Believe me I tried. What's funny Tyler is that ever since I friended you I keep getting requests from chicks with nude pictures.


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Neal Butler said:
lol, they all blocked me. Believe me I tried. What's funny Tyler is that ever since I friended you I keep getting requests from chicks with nude pictures.

Was that a complaint? It's been a while since I had any nude friend requests. At least the spam ones.


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Sep 28, 2010
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im on facebook u get friend me but make sure TFO is put in the message box.. my user name is nathalie samuelian bigon


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kyryah said:
Wow, really, people actually take Facebook THAT seriously, that they are getting into fights and breaking up friendships over it?

I talk to my friends, play games, and make funny status quotes. It sounds to me like the "drama" is coming from people flat out being over-dramatic. Generally people like that bring their own trouble no matter where they are. Sheesh.

I friended a few people, now I am not sure if that was a good idea. I typically post my drinking escapades on there, and it might color your opinions of me.... :p

Over-dramatic is the perfect word to describe my group of friends. They all really just need to grow up.

And I know what you mean about the drinking escapades. Sometimes I forget I'm "friends" with my conservative relatives...my status last Sunday was "now I remember why I stopped drinking vodka"
and my CREEPY 65-year old uncle "liked" it and sent me a message asking if I had a little headache...eek


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TylerStewart said:
Neal Butler said:
lol, they all blocked me. Believe me I tried. What's funny Tyler is that ever since I friended you I keep getting requests from chicks with nude pictures.

Was that a complaint? It's been a while since I had any nude friend requests. At least the spam ones.

No complaints ;), yeah they're just spam though.


5 Year Member
Nov 19, 2010
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Rambo has facebook :p it's in my signature, if you want to add me just look for Abra Rambo under the people who liked his page or just search Abra Rambo just make sure I know your from the forum :) I usually don't accept people I don't personally know but I'll make an exception for TFO!


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abra said:
I usually don't accept people I don't personally know but I'll make an exception for TFO!

I think ya'll are crazy for adding anyone you don't know. I don't even add people I slightly know. Neal kinda found a loophole so he got in LOL. I also go through my list about once a month and delete whoever I think isn't needed on there. High school friends that I haven't seen in 10 years? Gone. Siblings to my friends? Gone. Anyone who is openly a proud Obama lover? Not a chance LOL - I know they'll eventually get mad about the antics of my page, so I just leave them off to begin with. I don't have 200 friends in real life, so I limit my personal Facebook page to 200. Right now I have 181 (I just deleted 15).

Yvonne G

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I thought anyone had to be approved by you to be a "friend." How did they get on there without your approval?


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emysemys said:
I thought anyone had to be approved by you to be a "friend." How did they get on there without your approval?

To see your page (assuming it's a private page), they do have to be approved by you, but anyone can send a "request for friendship." I used to approve people I kinda knew (friends of friends), but I no longer do, and have cut many of those types of people off. I'm just not comfortable with people I don't really know seeing that much of my personal information, photos, and thoughts.

I think Facebook is a great thing if set up right and used right (like I feel I'm doing), but to just add anyone, or let anyone in on that much of your personal information is asking for trouble. If you can't say what you want to say without offending someone, it takes the fun out of it, at least for me. My current status talks (sarcastically) about how I'm going to sunbathe nude since we're getting some 66 degree days coming up, and not to peek over my wall between 3:30 and 5 on Friday. To the people on my page, they think it's funny and aren't offended, but that's not the kinda stuff you would say if "everyone" could see it.
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