Conflicting and Confusing


Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
reno nv
I have only been on here a day and there is so much conflicting opinions and ways to do things the "right way". Also people sometimes are very snooty on here. I simply placed a picture of my tort asking if she was Greek or Russian and I get comments from a lady telling me I am feeding her wrong and what I "need" to do. Maybe I am being over sensitive but my tort is very well taken care of. Yes she has a store bought food in her cage, yes she gets an organic mix every day with dandelion greens, chards, and other things. She gets fresh cactus and other veggies as treats and dandelions and clovers when they are in season. Her store bought food has calcium and other vitamins my exotic vet recommended. I have referred to a professional on what she is given and that is what I follow, I do not appreciate being told what I am doing wrong, she has a basking light a UVB light the proper water dishes, logs, bedding and everything else. She is a very happy tortoise and, very healthy. Now I have been on here only a day but I might leave if I continue to get comments like that.


Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
reno nv
Here is her setup far better than the pet store she came from.


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Maybe you could look at this a little more opened minded. No one wants to make you leave or feel bad. We see newbies on here all the time that has gotten old, outdate a plain bad info. This info has come from, pet stores, vets, breeders, zoos, you name it. This forum has all the newest and correct ways of doing things. We all are here for the love of tortoises and to better their life and to make sure everyone that joins this forum does get the best info out there. There are more then one way to do the right thing, that might be why you are thinking there is conflicting info. There are also a lot of ways to do the bad stuff too. Grocery greens are fine, lots of us have too use them in the colder months. Most of us will try to avoid them in the warmer months.
Please also remember, the tone in which the member was probably trying to help,you, was most likely all good intentions, but it sometimes does not come out in type. Specially if it's a short little message.
Stick around, learn some stuff, talk tortoises and give us more of a chance. This is a very friendly forum, that only interest is to help tortoise owners and the tortoise have the best life and latest correct info possible.


Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
reno nv
I guess I am just being a sensitive tort mommy I spent months getting everything researching things and even attending a tortoise care workshop. This was all before deciding to get one so when I ask a simple question like is she Russian or Greek I was not expecting to be told I am doing things "wrong" because I care so much for her.


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We understand, believe me. I did all the research too, spent lots of money to get it right. Found this forum and found out I wasn't doing it wrong and my tortoise paid for it by being pyramided. We are very passionate about our tortoises. We only want the best for ours and other members of the forum. Just be open to the fact that some of the info you may have come a crossed in your research was old and outdated and is really not good for your tort. Hopefully, your one of the lucky ones that found all the correct info and has a reptile vet that actually knows what they are talking about.
Stick around, I think you will really enjoy it here. Just remember though, we are all human and sometimes we have bad days:D


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I understand and sympathize with a lot of what you're saying. I have been a member of the forum for nearly a year and spent several months reading it before I joined. I too got bad information from the pet store and many, many different websites. But after a lot of research I can guarantee that this is the best forum out there as far as the amount and quality of the information. I thought my set up was pretty darn good, but I have continued to change it and improve it as I learn more. There are many ways to do things right and many ways to do things wrong and endless combinations of both. I have found most people to be friendly, but also very willing to share their advice and opinions. I have only had one person who I would categorize as "attacking" me. It made me very angry and hurt my feelings a little but I miraculously kept myself from telling this person off the way I wanted to :) so I guess my point in this big long reply is just to say to give this forum a chance and think about what is best for your tortoise and be open to new and different ideas. Read all the threads that are listed in your species specific section that you possibly can and that will help to sort out the information that works for you.


The Dog Trainer
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I'm one of the worst offenders. I don't come on here to make people feel better and hold their hand. I come on here to learn about tortoises, share tortoise stories and share what I have learned over the years, with the intention of helping people take better care of their tortoises.

Helping someone give better care to their tortoise matter more to me than someone's feelings. I try to steer clear of the sensitive types, and let those with a better bedside manner help them.

I hope you stick around and learn some stuff, for the good of your tortoise.


Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
reno nv
I am planning to stick around and I will ask for help when I need it that I am not afraid to do. My tort is a happy healthy little girl and I know as a person I am a fantastic tort mommy. Just was my first day on here and wasn't expecting a simple, in my mind, post to bring in other topics, I guess my main thing is why can't someone say hey,? What is it that you feed on a daily instead of passing judgment on one picture. I will learn and be more cautious of my future posts. I did join to learn and improve my tort keeping skills there is always something to learn just maybe a little rough to a first day first time poster like myself, maybe could take some considerations in before replying sometimes.


Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
reno nv
I understand and sympathize with a lot of what you're saying. I have been a member of the forum for nearly a year and spent several months reading it before I joined. I too got bad information from the pet store and many, many different websites. But after a lot of research I can guarantee that this is the best forum out there as far as the amount and quality of the information. I thought my set up was pretty darn good, but I have continued to change it and improve it as I learn more. There are many ways to do things right and many ways to do things wrong and endless combinations of both. I have found most people to be friendly, but also very willing to share their advice and opinions. I have only had one person who I would categorize as "attacking" me. It made me very angry and hurt my feelings a little but I miraculously kept myself from telling this person off the way I wanted to :) so I guess my point in this big long reply is just to say to give this forum a chance and think about what is best for your tortoise and be open to new and different ideas. Read all the threads that are listed in your species specific section that you possibly can and that will help to sort out the information that works for you.
Thank you :)


Aug 11, 2014
When I was in the reptile store asking about russian tort care...I forget the question because their research took me by surprise....they said "let me google that". And then they proceeded to say "well on tortoise forum....they say...." And I said "oh! I'm a member of that site! I'll look it up there then, that's ok! Thanks!" I was impressed with tortoise forum and unimpressed with the young worker lol. I love tortoise forum and hope you stay! Welcome to the site! Do you have a russian or Greek?


Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
reno nv
When I was in the reptile store asking about russian tort care...I forget the question because their research took me by surprise....they said "let me google that". And then they proceeded to say "well on tortoise forum....they say...." And I said "oh! I'm a member of that site! I'll look it up there then, that's ok! Thanks!" I was impressed with tortoise forum and unimpressed with the young worker lol. I love tortoise forum and hope you stay! Welcome to the site! Do you have a russian or Greek?
I have a Russian :) her name is Athena


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Good to have you here. This is a great place to learn and share. I looking for experiences, contains, not how they constructed sentences.

I did learn a lot here and still learning.


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Her store bought food has calcium and other vitamins my exotic vet recommended. I have referred to a professional on what she is given and that is what I follow,

I am curious if your exotic vet houses or hosts tortoise in their home? Also, I am always intrigued by the phrase "a professional" when referring to tortoise specifically...may I ask how this title was established? Also, please read my question here as simply that ;)

I do not appreciate being told what I am doing wrong, she has a basking light a UVB light the proper water dishes, logs, bedding and everything else. She is a very happy tortoise and, very healthy

I went through your postings and I have to say that I don't see where anyone offered you any lashings for your set up? You see, on this Forum we are folks who happen to speak up, even in unsolicited, please understand that there is no daggers coming your way...simply folks seeing a pic...within a few seconds evaluating it (within out own experiences as well as pulling on others) and then spewing out what is in our harm intended....even us snooty, snippity pushy broads....:rolleyes:


Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
reno nv
I am curious if your exotic vet houses or hosts tortoise in their home? Also, I am always intrigued by the phrase "a professional" when referring to tortoise specifically...may I ask how this title was established? Also, please read my question here as simply that ;)

I went through your postings and I have to say that I don't see where anyone offered you any lashings for your set up? You see, on this Forum we are folks who happen to speak up, even in unsolicited, please understand that there is no daggers coming your way...simply folks seeing a pic...within a few seconds evaluating it (within out own experiences as well as pulling on others) and then spewing out what is in our harm intended....even us snooty, snippity pushy broads....:rolleyes:
I think I will leave this forum thank you.


Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
reno nv
I think I will leave this forum thank you.
And it wasnt in this post and yes my vet has 4 Russian torts of her own and has had them for 15+ years which is what encouraged me to get one. Clearly this forum isn't for me.


Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
reno nv
Just want to thank those we kindly responded to me, but I think after the first day this forum has been a little overwhelming for me. Maybe you all aren't here to be kindly spoken to but I have always been a fan of treat others how you like to he treated and I wouldn't speak this way to anyone so I think I will be moving on. Thank you again.


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Apr 10, 2011
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A shame that my questions are being read wrong...even though I went a step further and specifically pointed out to read my question as just that, a question.....I wish you and your tort well....toodles.


Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
reno nv
A shame that my questions are being read wrong...even though I went a step further and specifically pointed out to read my question as just that, a question.....I wish you and your tort well....toodles.
Your eye rolls and whinky faces said just that I'm sure


Well-Known Member
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Your eye rolls and whinky faces said just that I'm sure

Honey, I am with Tom on this one..I am not into hand holding..fluffing pillows ....walking the shells and all....I simply asked a couple of questions and YOU totally ran with it...I won't use any more of my valuable time on this childish behavior....I hope you learn lots and have a wonderful night. Peace out.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Just want to thank those we kindly responded to me, but I think after the first day this forum has been a little overwhelming for me. Maybe you all aren't here to be kindly spoken to but I have always been a fan of treat others how you like to he treated and I wouldn't speak this way to anyone so I think I will be moving on. Thank you again.

I am really sorry to hear you have decided to do this. :( I hope you reconsider. Like with everything there is more then one "right" way to take care of our tortoises. We are also very emotional, when it comes to the tortoises and turtles and add in how hard it is to convey feelings in here with just the use of the written word, it just adds up to things not coming off like we would like them to or mean them to. Think of it as any other group, there are always folks who you just don't like or can't deal with. Look for the ones who make you feel welcome and freely offer advise in a way you can take it... just as you should be giving advise the same way. I too get frustrated in here at times with attitudes. At those times I take a short break or stay away from threads/certain people. This might work for you, too.