Small tortoise enclosure


New Member
May 8, 2024
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Chelsea michigan
I know enclosures can be different depending on what tortoise species you have but I’m going to be getting a baby tortoise soon of a small species ex: Egyptian or Star tortoises, even though they are different of course eventually when I figure out which one I will be getting I will do more research but I am wondering if the cement mixing tub method that I’m seeing a lot is viable for a baby tortoise. Is a cement mixing tub with coconut coir, a hide, water/food dish, uva, uvb, heat bulb, thermometer, and hydrometer all I need or do I not need any of those things or do I need a closed enclosure in order for my little dude to thrive as I read on Toms hatchling care guide? I was also seeing sources saying to put a cuttlebone in there is that good for the tortoise? I know I probably sound very uneducated but that’s because I am and I'm trying to learn haha but if you guys have any answers I would love the advice there’s so much conflicting information on this subject but maybe one way is commonly used and successful I don’t know but anyway thank you for reading this and let me know!
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Alex and the Redfoot

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2023
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Cement mixing tubes can work for hatchings. If you cover it with a greenhouse top you'll get a "closed chamber" :)

The point of "closed chambers" is to create controllable environment for your tortoise independent of what's in your room.

As we talk of the "controlled environment" we need something to adjust its parameters (like heaters, lights, thermostats and timers) and something to monitor the environment (thermometer/hygrometer, temperature gun). And the enclosure itself should provide all basic needs for a tortoise - space for walking, food and water sources, hiding and burrowing places.

Cuttlefish bone is not something required but helps to keep beak shaped and tortoise can get some extra calcium from it if it wants to.

Tom's guides outline the necessary minimum to keep your tortoise healthy and thriving. It is not the only way but definitely safe, working and rather easy to follow.
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