Cherry head marbling


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Feb 21, 2010
It can vary (genes play a big part)....and most importantly sometimes tricky to tell if "New" growth lines or actually marbling.
Here is 3" hatchling that is showing some marbling (look to lower left)

and a 6" very heavy marbling and easy to tell.....



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ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1460045842.576455.jpg my baby Tucker started marbling at around 2.5 inches I think. I used to think he was getting calcium powder and tried to "clean it off" I didn't know he was going to grow different colors. Or even worse I worried that he maybe getting some fungus on his new growth and the only reason I didn't start a thread on it to get "first aid advise" was bcs I could feel in my gut that something was off there and didn't want make myself look like a moron on TFO. Back then I'd take a soft bab brush and try to brush it off during his bath I know! Idiota!!!! (me!)
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Nov 2, 2014
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I really hope my cherry torts marble on the carapece. They are about 9 months old and one of them is marbling on the plastron.


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ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1460080290.277056.jpg here's Tucker's belly side. I don't know if they all end up growing marbled. I don't think so and sure I didn't expect my little Tuck-tac to marble. He was not nearly as pretty as Shellka when we first got them. His scutes were darker, had less red on his arms/legs and his head looked funny. Shellie was the pretty oneImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1460081573.467403.jpg here she is and here is TuckerImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1460081614.890855.jpg these 2 pics were taken exactly 4 weeks after we got those babies. Tucker started showing signs of marbling about month later so he had to be about 2.5-3 months old


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I have 3 Brazilians, 8", 9.5" and 12.5" SCL. None have marbling. Does anyone know why? Could it be neglect of some?


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I think it's genetics. Just like some people are born blond/blue eyed, some brunette and others redheaded with freckles
I wasn't sure if it was something to do with natural sun(bleaching). Thought it may have proved mine never got any outside time in previous ownerships.


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I wasn't sure if it was something to do with natural sun(bleaching). Thought it may have proved mine never got any outside time in previous ownerships.
That I'm not sure of. I'm sure there are few RF keepers here who have played with genetics enough to be able to tell. I myself would be curious to know


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I've never experienced marbling.
Until I learned about it (here) I would have been concerned seeing it, thinking
that it was some sort of defect.o_O
Yeap! Just like I was! Trying to scrub it off with a baby brush, or getting my baby tort under magnifying glass to take a "better look at this fungal infection"


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Jan 22, 2016
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I wasn't sure if it was something to do with natural sun(bleaching). Thought it may have proved mine never got any outside time in previous ownerships.

I don't think that's the case, it certainly can't be the only situation for marbling as one of mine has some. When I got her she was showing very early signs of marbling, and now a second is showing signs of it too. They've only been outside for about 4 minutes and that was this week! Before I got them they were kept in a vivarium, I had them from hatchling.

I'm not positive it is marbling, but it looks a lot like it. I'm not as mad as Pearly and likely to try and brush it off :p but it is what it is, if it's just strange colouring or uneven growth I'm doing what I can to keep them smooth so there isn't much I can change. I'll snap some pics tomorrow so you can have a look and see if you think it is marbling.

If it's marbling then it could well be genetic as they are siblings and the breeder has had a few marble in the past - not many people keep in touch with her so she only knows of some that have moved on, it could be that most are marbling.


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Nov 24, 2014
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I don't think that's the case, it certainly can't be the only situation for marbling as one of mine has some. When I got her she was showing very early signs of marbling, and now a second is showing signs of it too. They've only been outside for about 4 minutes and that was this week! Before I got them they were kept in a vivarium, I had them from hatchling.

I'm not positive it is marbling, but it looks a lot like it. I'm not as mad as Pearly and likely to try and brush it off :p but it is what it is, if it's just strange colouring or uneven growth I'm doing what I can to keep them smooth so there isn't much I can change. I'll snap some pics tomorrow so you can have a look and see if you think it is marbling.

If it's marbling then it could well be genetic as they are siblings and the breeder has had a few marble in the past - not many people keep in touch with her so she only knows of some that have moved on, it could be that most are marbling.
It's defo genetical. I was just curious if a tort is out in natural sunlight for long periods, does it enhance the marbling. Bit like humans with freckles .


Active Member
Jan 22, 2016
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North Devon, UK
Could do, I'm guessing it's just a shell pigment ultimately so it's likely to be affected my light. I wonder if it's like the tortoise version of Vitiligo? I have early stage vitiligo on my hands and arms, so I tend to cover my arms so I don't look 'too odd', if I get a tan my skin obviously changes colour, except areas with the vitiligo damage which simply don't change at all. Fine in winter when I'm pale you can barely see anything but a bit of sun and it's noticeable.

I guess though the marbling isn't always new growth is it? Doesn't some of the old shell growth change colour? If so it's unlikely the above would apply.

Just wondering along your line of thought then if it's triggered by UV - natural or from bulbs....