Petrie died

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May 11, 2012
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I haven't been on in a while because tragedy struck my poor Petrie and I have felt very guilty and so upset I just couldn't post. Everyone here has been so great to me and helped me with Petrie I did want to share what happened and make sure that everyone is aware of how dangerous dogs can be.

I built Petrie and brand new outdoor enclosure, it was 4x8 and had chicken wire on the lid and mesh on the sides. We have a dog and my tenants have three so I made sure that the new enclosure was safe.

It finally stopped raining and we were able to go out. I put Petrie in his new enclosure and he loved it! He walked around for hours and was doing great. I checked on him often since it was a new area. Then he burrowed down under a plant and slept.

When we were getting ready to go inside to put the kids to bed my tenant asked me what the dog was chewing on and I said a stick that I had throw earlier. She went over to check and it was Petrie! She imediatly ran and sat me down as I was passing out and she took care of my dog and Petrie. I didn't see him she wouldn't let me but she said he was in bad shape and had died.

I had to be sedated because I was so upset and couldn't understand what had happened. My boyfriend and checked the enclosure and it seems that my dog pushed out one of the mesh sides to get her head it. I feel so bad, I should have paid more attention, I should have put up stronger mesh, there had to be something I could do. I read all the posts about how dangerous dogs can be and as a Vet Tech I know this and thought I had done everything I could.

I still am having trouble not seeing my dog as a murderer. I miss Petrie so much.

Today my boyfriend presented me with a new baby sulcata and I just broke down and cried. He said I could raise him and it wasn't my fault but Im not so sure.

Thank you all for listening.


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No was NOT your fault. Unfortunitly these things happen. I know how you feel as I've made mistakes too.....even lost two hatchlings because of something stupid I did. Thank you for sharing this with everyone so we can all learn too. I am so sorry for this loss. Be strong....hugs.


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I'm so so sorry. These little ones work their way into our hearts, don't they? :(


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OMG I am so, so sorry. It was not your fault. You built an enclosure that would be safe. Dogs can do more then we realize when they get the smell of something they want. Even the best trained dog will stray from a command if he gets that right smell. You need to forgive your dog. He was just doing what dogs do. You need to stop blaming, it was no ones fault, things, accidents happen. Petri had a loving family. The life he had, had love for him. I hope you can let this go. Remember the good times with him and smile, knowing you were lucky to have him in your life and that he was loved.


10 Year Member!
Jun 3, 2012
Seriously don't blame yourself things that we just can't control like dogs, power outages, and the weather. Good luck with your new tortoise, i would love to see a picture.


The Dog Trainer
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I can feel the pain in your words. So sorry. You are not the first person to underestimate the power and drive of a dog. I have been working professionally with animals since the mid 80's and I have seen all sorts of terrible things. Animals have been cooked in the sun, escaped and died, eaten or mauled by other animals, and even just plain hurt or killed themselves no matter how safe I have tried to make the enclosure. You did everything that any reasonable person could do. Please don't let your guilt over come you. Go ahead and mourn, but learn from this and build it stronger next time. You have done a great service to all of us just by posting this. How many people will now reevaluate their enclosures and make SURE they are safe enough for whatever the situation is?

Wishing you the best...


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Feb 28, 2012
It gets easier, the same thing happened to me and my Harriot :( at Christmas! Only difference was that a friend had been looking after her and there dog got at her because they didn't close the lid properly!! Was soo angry and upset!! But it does get easier!! I've now got 3 beautiful Greeks :) who I love to bits and touch wood, they are all healthy :) sorry for ya loss!! If ya wana chat, just write!!

Peaches bts

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I am so sorry for your loss. Don't blame yourself or the dog. Hopefully u can look at your dog in a different light.


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I am so very sorry. I agree with what everyone else has already said.


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Sarah, It is something that you can go over a million times and wish you could change just one thing.
My first tort was a wood turtle that was brought into our clinic to be euthanized for not eating. I knew nothing about turtles and this was prior to internet. The library books identified it as a South American wood turtle and I made a beautiful (so I thought ) enclosure on my back porch. It was a kids pool and I planted it up with greenery and dirt added some water to make a pool in a pool, and oh my I was so happy, he would eat some worms and blueberries and I loved having him. My dogs never went out that door so I was never worried.
My mom came to visit and not liking the dogs able to go in and out of the pet door from the kitchen to the back yard over and over, stuffed them on our back deck. I came home and saw our recently rescued yellow lab chewing on something on the deck no dogs were ever allowed and went ballistic, I was so angry at my mom and the dog that I lost it. The poor tort, oh it was like you see, only still alive. we did what we could, but I lost him. My mother is not an animal person and could not, nor ever ,understand the joy a moving rock could give. I will say that experience did change me some and it took along time for the anger to die down.
It will get better, and you will be more aware because of it. You just have to stay strong and learn from it.

Take care.
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