Gulf Coast Box Turtles

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10 Year Member!
Sep 7, 2007
I am parting with a huge 1.2 trio of adult Gulf Coast Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina). I've had these wonderful turtles for a while now and they are ready for the 2012 season to start breeding. The male is massive and black with a white beak and the females are black with faint yellow markings. Real "classic" and "text book" looking gulfs.They are perfect in every way, feeding well and ready to go. I simply do not have enough room. This is a good opportunity to obtain LTC adults and not these freshly wild collected adults flooding the market at ridiculous prices. Male is 8.5-9", females are 7 and 7.5".

Take the trio for $300 shipped (keep in mind that these are large and heavy turtles so shipping won't be cheap, at this price you are saving big)

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