colder climate

  1. Eden

    questions to determine if i can possibly care for a tortoise. informed answers only, please.

    hi carers, i am completely new here and my name is Eden. i live in Bournemouth (in the south of England) and am hopeful that one day i may be able to care for a tortoise. it is very unlikely to be any time soon, possibly even a decade from now, as i want to make sure that i can ensure a...
  2. J

    Moving to mountain climate need recommendation on my leopard tortoises

    Greetings, My wife and I are moving form the high desert in Agua Dulce, California to the cooler mountains of Frazier Park still in Southern California. The average temperature in our new location runs about 10 to 15 degrees cooler. It does get cold in the winter at our old location of Agua...