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  1. R

    Good breeders?

    I am considering at some point this summer adopting a cooter and a Mississippi map turtle. They are on my bucket list. Could anyone give me an idea where to go that would be reputable? I don't mind baby hatchlings, but I would be fine with a couple a little older... 3-4 inches would actually be...
  2. R

    Water turtle setup, budget friendly

    So, I still have ALOT to do to my stalk tank for my turtles. I do have a budget, so this is my starter area outside for them. I do plan on purchasing a 500 gallon one when it is on sale, but this is the start. I got a 100 gallon stalk tank on sale for 64.99 at tractor supply. I know I will need...
  3. R

    Tort Water dishes

    Just in case anyone has been looking for bigger water dishes for their tort children, I saw HUGE plant saucers at Menards. They have plastic and terracotta. Just an FYI :)
  4. R

    Outdoor pond info

    I am getting ready to start the outdoor pond(s) for my RES and Painted turtles. I am looking at one of the black rubbermaid stalk tanks for their home(s). My 55 gallon has leaked now, twice... and I am over it! (haha) Our 125 will be filled with saltwater fish before we know it, so I thought...
  5. R

    Updated pictures of my turtles

    Here is my male painted turtle. He still is showing spotting. I know it has only been two weeks, but I have not noticed the "spotting on the shell" as much until today. He has been in the water a lot lately when I have been around.
  6. R

    Wheat Germ?

    This probably sounds like a stupid question, but I understand that wheat germ is something I need to add to my RES and Painted turtles diet a couple of times a week. Do you use regular store bought wheat germ or something else?
  7. R

    UGH!! CL Ad.

    I have been looking for another 55 gallon tank. I need it for my two smallest turtles. If I had my 125 set up I'd probably rescue these two kids. I can't believe that people keep their animals like this. I couldn't imagine sharing a tank with an oscar...
  8. R

    Cuteness alert/ raising water plants from seeds

    I wish I would have had a camera handy last night. I went to check temps, make sure everyone was okay, etc. before bed. The male painted turtle was dead asleep on his docking area. It was the cutest thing ever. Once he figured out he had company, he really fought to wake up. He got some head...
  9. R

    Looking for some advice... (Flaky unhealthy-looking shell)

    I am going to skip the somewhat long story that comes with this turtle and skip to the basics. I am sure you do not want to read a LONG story about a turtle. So heres the main points. A friend of mine got a couple of turtles about 6 months ago. She could not keep them any longer and wanted me to...
  10. R

    This weather!

    I finally got my "plans" ready for getting our new enclosure set up which we are super excited about. We are essentially making the enclosure the length of our current fence. Once we get our 6 ft fence up it will be "moved." But we will deal with that in a couple of years. lol. So...
  11. R

    Tips for new box turtle enclosure

    We just moved to a new house this winter and I have to start over from scratch on our outdoor 3 trio ornate pen. We have some really unique challenges with this property, and I was hoping that I could get advice to start planning and getting their enclosure built. I would like to build a 6ft...
  12. R

    I'm new!

    Hi there, I have a few box turtles and a red eared slider. They were all rescues from people who were not properly taking care of them. I know this is for tortoises, but I didnt think you guys would mind a fellow turtle lover. Someday I hope to have a tortoise.