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  1. Nova75167

    Need some advice about my testudo tortoise

    It was the largest space I had for her at the moment. She will get a larger enclosure soon.
  2. Nova75167

    Need some advice about my testudo tortoise

    Its a 75 gallon tank. We are moving in a few months so I plan make a bigger enclosure when we get there.
  3. Nova75167

    Need some advice about my testudo tortoise

    Thank you for the advice! I will have to switch my lighting up. Also can I use the reptile bark as a substrate? Or keep the coco substrate?
  4. Nova75167

    Need some advice about my testudo tortoise

    I sprayed the substrate and covered the top, that seemed to help, I am going to get a CHE and get rid of the red light, the temp will go from 90 during day time and 75 at night. She finally ate when I put some spring mix in her food bowl, she apparently didnt like the pellets I bought lol.
  5. Nova75167

    Need some advice about my testudo tortoise

    Ok, so I may need more help than I thought. I have a thermometer and humidity gauge on the warm side, do I need another on the cool side? I am starting to feel a little lost lol. I can post a picture of the enclosure this afternoon when I get home. I am going to try wetting the subtrate more...
  6. Nova75167

    Need some advice about my testudo tortoise

    I am not exactly sure. I could post a picture when I get home this afternoon if that would help.
  7. Nova75167

    Need some advice about my testudo tortoise

    I recently got a testudo 3 days ago. I have her in a 75 gallon tank, i have coco coir for the bedding, a hide out, water and food bowls. I have a 150 watt 3 in one heat lamp and a red heat lamp for night time, also a small heat pad under the tank. I have the heat lamps on one side of the tank...