Search results

  1. TMill

    Hermann tortoise outdoor enclosure

    I need help on size of male hermann underground burrow size for Stu. We live in DFW Texas and wanted to let him live outside year round. Is that safe? How deep do I make end area?
  2. TMill

    Male humping rocks until bleeds

    So I have a 4 or 5 year old tort. He has nice outdoor enclosure with his size rocks. He humps them until he bleeds. Any advice beyond removing rocks? Maybe enrichment ideas for a tortoise?
  3. TMill

    New Outdoor Enclosure

    Stu’s new outdoor habitat in North Texas at 2pm. Morning sun, afternoon shade. Suggestions welcome, new at trying outdoor tort habitat.
  4. TMill

    Hello from Texas!

    I am a new tort owner. We have had Stu since December and was told he was a Russian but recently stumbled across pictures of Hermann's. I began to question what he is and he looks a lot like a Hermann instead of Russian. Any opinions?