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  1. Linda Fry

    Sudan Sulcatas (This never gets old...)

    I love your split scute babies! What temperature do you incubate at and what temperature is your Bird Brooder Box?
  2. Linda Fry


    Thank you so much! I'll cover all holes and see how much it improves
  3. Linda Fry


    Do you have ideas how I can increase the humidity in my incubator? It's my understanding I should have it at 90%.
  4. Linda Fry


    My Humidity continues to stay around 48% in the covered hatching tray. I mixed 1-1 with vermiculite and water. Any idea how I can get humidity increased. I placed larger water trays in the incubator but the humidity hasn't increased. My remaining 6 eggs are now at 120 days incubating ;(
  5. Linda Fry


    Sorry for posting my first hatching trays twice, I can't get one post to delete. The 3rd photo is my incubator with my new hatching tray with a lid. I've punched 8 holes around the sides, near the top with a mixture of 1-1 vermiculite and water. Still not getting humidity above 48%. The 4th...
  6. Linda Fry


  7. Linda Fry


    My humidity has not increased with a lid on the new incubation container. I've mixed the ration of vermiculite and water 1 to 1. Should I increase the water in the vermiculite. My Little Giant incubator has sprung a leak and will not hold water in the bottom. I've been placing containers of...
  8. Linda Fry


    Thank you so much, yes I know not to turn them. I have not touched them. except to candle 1 last night unsuccessfully...but I just created a new incubating container with a lid, weighed the vermiculite and water, mixed it and placed it in the incubator with a hygrometer inside to see how my...
  9. Linda Fry


    I have not tried candling. But I will! Thanks so much.
  10. Linda Fry


    Thank you so much for responding. I have not seen the How to incubate eggs thread. I appreciate your help I see I didn't explain well. This is my females 2nd clutch. Same time in 2015, she laid 4 eggs, I incubated and none hatched. She laid the 2nd clutch on 10/1/16. 6 hatched on 12/18/16...
  11. Linda Fry


    My first Sulcata clutch hatched 6 eggs at 78 days, I still have 6 more eggs from the same clutch incubating and I'm now at 115 days. The eggs have weight to them so I'm assuming they're fertile. My temperature is 88.7, humidity is 48%. Is this common? Do I just continue to let them incubate...
  12. Linda Fry

    baby questions

    Thank you so much. I'll re-read the section about starting hatchlings. I'll also get some pictures. I've ordered a CHE and Temp Gun and am returning the Infrared Basking Spot and Reptile UVB light to Petco. I'll stay away from the Broccoli and Apple Juice! I appreciate your help!
  13. Linda Fry

    baby questions

    I have 6 hatchling sulcata's that are 9 & 10 days old, 7 eggs still incubating. I'm keeping the hatchlings in the incubator, in a shallow tray with wet paper towels, soaking them once a day. I've been dicing boc choy and broccoli. My local pet store sold me Mazuri Small Tortoise pellets and...