Search results

  1. TexTorts

    Our Sulcata family

    Our sulcata family has grown since we joined the forum in July. We began with one at our Studio and one at home. Now we have 8 !!
  2. TexTorts

    ANY BODY ON LINE who can answer quick Sulcata health question

    My new baby sulcata has what appears to be the hiccups. Is this a real thing?
  3. TexTorts

    My noisy little Babies

    Just curious...does anyone else have Sullies that "chirp"? Thor (9 mo) has been doing this for months. Now Shelle (8 mo) and Dani (3 mos) are doing as well. It is the cutest sound...
  4. TexTorts

    Princess Dorothy needs Help !

    Dorothy, our new baby sulcata was born on 5/10/2015. She has always been more of a sleepy baby than the other 4 we have: 7 yr old, 9 mo old, 8 mo old and 2 mo old from same hatching. She and Dani (same age) came down with an eye infection and the vet treated them with a triple antibiotic...
  5. TexTorts

    Hello from South Texas !!!

    Hello Fellow Tortoise lovers! My best friend, Brandon and I have 3 Sulcata tortoises: a 7 yr old male- Locke; a 7 month old male- Thor; and our little Princess- a 6 month old whom the vet has "guessed" is a female- her name is Shelle. I fell in love with Brandon's tortoise, Locke. He loves...