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  1. Devonae

    Brown Spot Above Eye

    Hello All, My reedfoot tortoise has a brown spot over her left eyelid. I've also noticed that part of her upper lid is crusted and she isn't fully opening her third eyelid. The other eye is completely normal, all of her lids are open, no crust or hardening at all. From what I can tell, the...
  2. Devonae

    Weird Poop

    Hi everyone! I kind of alluded to this in my other post, but my red foot has been producing some weird poop for about 3 days now. At first it was her typical brown poop but it had a white gooey substance surrounding it and it was a bit stringy. The second day, which is when she went to the vet...
  3. Devonae

    Negative Reaction to Eye Drops

    Hi All, We took Hiccup to the vet today for a check up regarding her eye. She started to produce a sticky substance over her right eye for a couple of days, but it seems to have disappeared completely now. However, we still wanted to check with the vet to make sure everything was fine with her...
  4. Devonae

    Baby Redfoot Scutes

    Hi all, My new red footed tortoise looks like she has a couple of wrinkled scutes. I was wondering if this is normal or not? She tends to sit (and often sleep) in her water dish so I wanted to make sure her shell wasn't softening too much from that and it seems a little softer than the other...
  5. Devonae

    New Red-footed Tortoise Owner

    Hi all, Just wanted to introduce myself to the forum, I am the new owner (2 weeks) of a tiny red-footed tortoise. We named her Hiccup, and she's the cutest thing ever. We also own two Red-eared sliders. This forum has already been so helpful for us, and I look forward to learning more about...