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  1. Phoebe

    Are tortoises supposed to walk on their nails slightly elevated or on their actual legs??

    Are tortoises supposed to walk on their nails slightly elevated or on their actual legs??
  2. Phoebe

    Future vet in the making

    Future vet in the making
  3. Phoebe

    Sammy taking his Russian Tortoise out for a walk. .

    This is lovely to see how your dog doesn't mind your tortoise x
  4. Phoebe

    Not eating?!

    A couple of days without food isn't life threatening. Your tortoise is probably just getting used to the environment. And once it knows its surroundings, it will eat xx
  5. Phoebe

    Hellooooo! (:

    Neville looks so sweet! Welcome, I joined today too!
  6. Phoebe


    thank you very much everyone! I'm sad she's a boy, but when we mate her when she's older, I'll just make that have a boy name and call her a he
  7. Phoebe


    This is her tail
  8. Phoebe


    I have a Hemann called Tallulah. She has a long tail with a slit cloaca, which has made me think she's a boy. However her plastron is entirely flat. Please help me!