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  1. virginias891

    My baby res

    The fish I put in with the baby to keep him company,got munched.They were bigger than he or she is.I think I'll name him or her "Big Fiesty", HA HA
  2. virginias891

    Turtle workout

    When my slider Lil Fatty was a baby,we felt like she was bored.So we put mirrors on the outside of the tank(a long one in back ,big one on the side and a tiny one around the corner next to it)You should of seen her, she would stand up and look at herself and put her hands above her head and do...
  3. virginias891

    My baby red eared slider

    My baby slider got his head sucked to the front of the pump.I pulled him off in time and I had to force his head out of his shell he's alive but not active.What can I do to de traumatise him
  4. virginias891

    new member

    Hi I have one 2&1/2year old red eared slider &I just got 2quarter sized sliders last weekend.The oldest's name is Lil Fatty.She is very smart.