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  1. B

    Orange/Pink Urates and Worm

    Hello everyone. So for the past couple of days my Russian has has strange colored urates. The first time it was a slight pink. Which was a few days ago. Today it has an orange tint. He has a very varied diet and nothing has changed drastically from what he's used to. He has been high energy...
  2. B

    Health Issues? Concerned :(

    Hello everyone. So I've been noticing that on the front of my tortoise's shell, it's almost as if his shell is separating at the lines? It almost looks stringy in between the front lines, sorry that's the best way to describe it. Also, his face has these dry white patches. Wondering if anyone...
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    Huge improvement in my Russian!

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to share some interesting and awesome news. I recently built my Russian a 5 foot by 3 foot enclosure. He was previously in a 40 gallon tank. Now that he has been in his new home, his personality has come out! He's much more lively and eats like crazy! He has so much...
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    New Enclosure

    Hello everyone! I'm in need of a little advice. So I've had my Russian tort for about a year and a half now. I just recently built him a new 5 foot by 3 foot enclosure. Still needs more decorating, any ideas would be much appreciated! Also, not too sure where to put the long UVB lamp or how to...
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    Sick? Depressed?

    Hello everyone. For the past day and a half my Russian hasn't come out from his sleeping spot. He sleeps under a big hollow tree stump (not real, I bought it at petsmart). I have to take him out myself to eat. He's been eating very slowly. Normally he eats rather quickly. Anyone know what this...
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    Russian Tortoise Shell

    Hello everyone :). I have had my Russian for a few weeks now. I absolutely adore him! He has such a little personality. Does his shell look normal to everyone? Any info will help :). He's very active and seems very healthy. Thank you :)
  7. B

    Help! New to Russian Tortoises

    Hello everyone! I am new to tortoises. I bought this guy a few days ago, a Russian Tortoise. I've been reading up on Russian Tortoises, and am a little concerned about his shell. Can anyone give me any info on this guy? What kind of health he is in, if the shape and coloring of his shell is ok...